Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:53 pm on 04.12.03

Yuck. Our money situation is truly terrible and it drives me nuts. The upside is that I am now officially insured for health and dental, but that means taking a sixteen-dollar a week hit. We were overdrawn by something like forty dollars last week and with the bank charge, it made it considerably more. We also have another check that has yet to clear. As much as Luke loves his job, I just wish that they would pay him better, but with the economy in the abysmal shape that it is, they�re cutting people�s hours and as people are leaving, they�re not rehiring. If they do start hiring, I�d love to be able to work with him and I�d be willing to sell my soul to the retail industry if it meant being better off financially. I miss new clothes and dinners out and being able to pay the bills without worrying about getting evicted come next month. We shouldn�t have to start worrying about rent a total of four weeks before it�s even due. It should all be so much easier.

If things had been this bad during this time last year I would be completely losing my mind, but I think it�s safe to say that being this poor had made me a lot less worrisome about money. I used to have a fit when I thought we were doing poorly, but now that I actually know that we are, I�m calm as a Hindu cow. I guess it�s because I don�t pay as much attention to bruised pride as I used to.

I know that it is partly my own fault for having been unemployed for a total of one year today, but I think that I�m just really gun-shy. My last job was so wretched and I really don�t want to risk having a boss that terrible again. But, I also know that I�m not the solely to blame for the lack of employment. There are so few opportunities right now and I really miss the abundance of jobs that were available when I came here in late two thousand.

Because we�re in dire straits here, I told Luke that he has to brown bag it all week, meaning either that he�s going to subsist on fluffernutters and crackers or I�m going to end up toting hot Spaghetti-os to him on a daily basis. I�ve been instructed to bring him a hot dog and some French fries tonight. His hours on Tuesday have now been shifted due to the aforementioned sales drought they�re experiencing at B&N. So Wednesday is the only day that we have to wake up at six-thirty.

I was very pleased with the way this season of Ed ended. It�s about time he came to his senses. Also, I was surprised to see Warren and Phil on the screen simultaneously. It used to be that Phil and Warren were never even in the same episode together until three weeks ago. I had to write a note to myself to tell Luke about it because he was the first one to notice. I do wish that they would have Diane on more often, though. Of course, this may have something to do with the fact that I would love to smooch her, but I think her character is great as well.

I�ve noticed that I haven�t done any truly decent writing here lately. It seems as if the really good stuff comes out when I�m fired up about something and it always is about some terribly hot button issue. Ah well. Something is bound to rile me at some point.

We�ve decided to forgo paying to do laundry at home this week, so we�re heading to M&G�s early Monday for free washer and dryer usage. I told Luke that I want to go early so that we can actually do something with our day which, while true, is only half the reason. The other, unspoken half is that I don�t want to spend considerable time in the presence of C, nor do I want o get stuck eating there. The last time I C was Schwaklakk and I don�t care to see him again for quite some time. I�m sure we�ll end up attending his graduation party sometime in the next couple of months, but at least there will be other people around with whom I can occupy myself. With any luck at all, I will simply have to utter the obligatory �congratulations� and not have to say another word to him.

I am all excited about having dental insurance again. I know that this seems grotesque to some people, but I really want to go and get my teeth cleaned. It�s been two and a half years and it�s about time. I don�t need any work done or anything and I don�t particularly enjoy the feeling of having my teeth scraped into oblivion, but the dentist is the only medical professional around whom I do not get horrifically nervous. Luke has to go in, too, especially since he�s got teeth coming in. They�ll have to see whether or not he will be able to keep them. It would be beneficial if he had the space for them, since we certainly don�t have the money, even with insurance, to pay for dental surgery. Granted, if they had to come out, M would pay for it. She did last summer when he had to have a couple of cavities filled.
