Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:31 pm on 04.11.03

We had a nice night last night. I had a very naked boy by my side from nine o�clock on. Just naked, not doing anything. Okay, so later on we did something, but not when he was just lounging about in the nuddy-pants. I fell asleep cuddling with him after our fun. I didn�t even realize that I was tired enough to sleep, but before I knew it he was extricating himself from the tangle of my arms to go brush his teeth and turning out the light.

Poor guy�s been popping Advil like it�s going out of style lately. He�s cutting a wisdom tooth and it�s both painful and obnoxious for him. He�s got a not yet dead skin flap covering even the exposed tooth, so when I cuddle up near his jaw I can hear him tonguing it. I was very lucky in that I never even realized I was getting my wisdom teeth in. I do remember the pain associated with my twelve year molars, though. I was fourteen and had to have my mother bring me ibuprofen and juice in class.

I came across this the other night and it�s kind of cool. Granted, you may be able to figure out how it works, but it�s kind of trippy at first. In my various web wanderings I also discovered the single most depressing diary in the history of the world. Yes, I�ve seen other very depressing diaries, but this one really broke me. I�m not going to link it because I really don�t enjoy making other people suffer.

I bought Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on DVD today. Luke laughed at me because I have such a strong drive to buy things the day that they come out. I can�t help it; I�m a media junkie. I love toting home a brand new DVD, CD, or book, peeling off the cellophane when needed, and diving in with reckless abandon. It�s a rare thrill. I also like receiving burned mix CDs and the like from other people. I�ve been addicted to Jeff Buckley�s Grace ever since Luke�s coworker copied it for me.

Now a call to those who are reading: you can put stuff in my guestbook, you know. I�m not that unapproachable, am I? In case anyone has noticed, BDC is the only one who ever puts anything in there and as much as I like feedback and all, I�d like it from more than just the one voice. If you have something to say to me, go ahead and say it. I�ll love you whether you do or not, but I know you�re out there and reading, durnit. You can�t sneak by that easily.

I think that the cat is suffering from some serious seasonal allergies, if that�s even possible. He�s been really sneezy all week and I didn�t realize it until just this morning, that maybe he doesn�t have the rhinovirus that I previously suspected he had. As soon as I opened the slider, he plopped himself down in front of it and continued to sneeze madly from then on. When he moved away from it, he would stop sneezing. My poor, little white puffball.

That would be my wee menace, though he is actually the antithesis of menace. He can usually be found in a similar lounge type position, so long as he isn't attacking the legs of people as they walk across the room. That's some annoying shit when it's happening to you, but if you're watching someone, say Luke, as they're being victimized it's hilarious.

I came home from dropping Luke off at work and threw on a skirt that I got from the ever lovely Glitterbomb. It�s beautiful outside, so I figured I might as well be comfy and cool. The only thing that I don�t like about the weather being tolerable is that it means within a month or so, it will become unbearable hot for several months and I will be forced to go on boob sweat watch. I�m not a terribly sweaty person, but when the breasts get this big it�s like they are a pair of life forms unto themselves and, despite what the rest of my body feels when it gets hot, they sweat like crazy. I grosses me out to no end and sometimes even baby powder is useless against it. What I wouldn�t do to live in a place where it never gets above seventy in the summer. I�d go down on God him/herself for a tolerable climate, and that�s saying a lot seeing as I don�t even believe in a God. If there were one and it were male, he�d also no doubt be huge and my mouth is not big. It�s loud, but it isn�t big by a long shot.

I have a boring night of solitary ahead of me. I plan on making myself lasagna for dinner, since if I made it with Luke home he wouldn�t eat it anyway. I made curry last night. Envy my skill in the kitchen.
