Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:49 pm on 02.15.03

Ah, pleasantly stuffed with wonderful free clam chowder brought home to me by Luke from the caf� at work last night. He also brought me tons of pistachio gelato and apple berry cheese bars that I absolutely adore.

I had planned on working out when I got home from dropping him off this afternoon, but decided that hunger had to drive and ate instead. I�ll probably do what I did yesterday and just go for the squats, crunches, and push-ups this evening. As long as I make sure to get some activity in (sex counts, right?), everything�s fine. More likely than not, I�ll feel guilty and work out before I make myself dinner, though.

He was surprised to find tulips on his nightstand when he got home last night. I�m glad that I know a thing or two about plants though, as they were looking a bit haggard when I brought them home. All they needed was a fresh cut and some water. They perked up nicely and by this morning had drunk all I gave them yesterday. Happy little flowers, they are. Plants, children and animals all seem to take an uncanny shine to me. It�s nice to know that nature loves me.

It would seem as though the Nipple Nibbler stuff has created a monster. He seems to greatly enjoy it, seeing as he slathered mine up with it this morning when he decided to go for some wake-up nookie. We�ve never really been that much into edibles during sex, but I guess this is just the right thing. We�ve tried ice cream, Altoids, chocolate, and various other things, but this seems to be the only thing to have stuck thus far. We�ll have to see how the chocolate goes over tomorrow. I mean, last time we tried chocolate, it went well in terms of enjoying it equally, but since it was in the context of a game, he said that there was too much slathering and not enough licking. Personally, I think that the anticipation turned him on even more and watching the process of his arousal was really great for me, but he�s impatient and I have to let him pounce every now and then.

I had another disturbing angst-ridden dream last night. I dreamt that Luke had gone into my old paper journals and read all of them, which is something that he�d never do, and then I started freaking on him when I found out. It was very similar to the cheating dream, actually. I wish I were capable of lucid dreaming so that I could consciously control the events. I always wake up feeling really emotionally drained when I have a dream involving such upheaval and being able to stop that in its tracks would be greatly beneficial because unfortunately, scraps of the agitation of my dreams stick with me through the waking hours.

I�m currently trying to download Paul Simon�s Graceland album because I�ve loved it for years and only ever had You Can Call Me Al on .mp3. I adore Ladysmith Black Mombazo in combination with the sweetness of Paul Simon�s voice. I�ve also been thinking of rooting around for more low-key ambient techno stuff. I have tons of Delerium and Massive Attack as it is, but it would be nice to find even more. Also, I�d like more stuff to listen to while I�m working out. I�ve heard that Underworld is good as is BT. I recently gave in and downloaded Just Breathe (from that Mitsubishi commercial) by T�l�popmusik and I think I may grab more of their stuff too.
