Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 12:12 pm on 09.21.03

We went. It wasn�t horrible and stereotypical at all, either. Yes, the drunk abounded, Muppet included and, eventually, me as well, but there was nothing untoward going on. When we first got there, we were offered a beer by one of Muppet�s frat brothers (a very nice looking one, too) and we both accepted. Before we even got halfway through them, though, Muppet gave Luke and I a tour of the house and took us up to his room to burn a CD for us and to offer us decent liquor. Because neither of us had anything in our stomachs, Luke chose to ate something while I just kept drinking. I am the queen of the girly drink, folks, and I had enough to fuel debates over Prohibition again. Muppet kept making me Amaretto/Buttershots concoctions and then moved on to a combination of � Amaretto/1/4 orange Slice. This last, however, was not in a shot glass; it was instead in one of those giant red Dixie cups and I was pretty done after that.

I must say that even though Muppet was rather intoxicated (as indicated by the message on my answering machine asking where I was just as I was walking in the door to the party), he was a very gracious host. He made it a point to introduce the both of us to everyone he knew and they were all very friendly, too, each shook hands or made some other type of physical greeting contact.

We didn�t get home until around two, then showered and went to bed. I was starting to feel a little wretched shortly thereafter, so Luke told me that I should sleep, that my body, okay, my liver, was yelling at me to just sleep it all off even though I was pretty okay at that point. I suppose I am a very lucky individual in that my body seems to metabolize the alcohol at a very rapid rate and I have never had a hangover. Sometimes, I can stay drunk for hours on very little and be fine the next morning or I can be pleasantly hammered for a couple of hours and then be fine, like last night.

I was slightly disappointed that Luke wasn�t up to being frisky when the mood hit me (after about 4 shots of the A/B stuff), but I can understand his lack of willingness to do dirty things in Muppet�s bed. It was kind of smelly in his room and the floor was a huge mess. Top it off with Muppet actually being in the room and you have a recipe for disaster had we actually gone ahead and done something.
