Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 1:18 pm on 09.23.03

My liver seems to have stopped crying, wiped away its tears and blown its nose. Like I said, I didn�t experience any hangover effects to speak of, but that�s not to say I didn�t pay for my night of overindulgence. I was pretty achy all day Sunday, creaky in places I didn�t know could creak, and I didn�t even do any mind-boggling feats of flexibility and strength Saturday night. I guess, though, that drinking a lot for the first time in 2 and a 1/2 years will do that to a person. It was actually the first time I�ve been drunk since becoming legal to do so.

We spent the rest of Sunday watching Super Troopers and then went to launder at M&G�s. When we got there, they were at some Pugs-only function or something, so we had a nice bit of time together before they got back home. M talked a lot about C. I guess he�s going to be dropping out after this semester and trying again next fall, but I have my doubts as to whether he�ll actually go back. Usually, if they don�t stick it out for at least a year to see if it gets better, their entire view of college goes south and going back never happens. Am I an example of that? You bet I am, only I stayed a year and a half with no improvement, so I at least gave it an opportunity to stop sucking. Then again, the reason I dropped out was because it didn�t challenge me any; C�s just dropping out because he doesn�t like it. He�s being stimulated in his classes; he just chose a shitty school to go to with little social activity going on outside university doors. We don�t have the lowdown on the E staying there situation, but M tried calling on Sunday and got the answering machine.

I had kind of a rough night on Sunday. I spent a lot of it feeling badly about myself and that�s not a good thing � ever. I cried into my pillow for a long time, hoping that I could continue to fool Luke into believing that I was okay. He kept rolling over, asking me why I was sniffling and I�d just say my allergies were bugging me. He knew something was wrong, as he doesn�t just feel that when everything is fine, and it was really bothering him. I think he did a little crying himself. I didn�t talk to him about it because I simply wasn�t up to wallowing in company. I knew he�d try to make me feel better, but that wasn�t what I wanted for some reason. It all ended coming out last night when he wanted to be amorous and I was kind of unresponsive. He did end up making me feel better and I came around to his advances, but I still feel somehow wrong.

We hung around the house in our pajamas for most of yesterday, but Muppet called and said that he and Andy were coming over later on and we were all going to go to dinner. So, they showed up within several minutes of each other and we went to Red Robin. Andy let it slip that he�s going to a bachelor party on Friday night for his soon to be brother-in-law. This will be Andy�s first experience in a strip club and I�m willing to bet that he�s going to have a nasty mess in his shorts the second his foot crosses the threshold. Andy�s trip makes Luke the only one out of those three boys to have never visited such a place, but he�s also the only one with a sex life to speak of. Not only that, but I don�t think he has much interest in such a thing. I told him that I�d take him for his 21st birthday, but he didn�t want to go when the time came, preferring to go out to dinner with his parents, friends, and me.

I heard on the news this afternoon that we may have some snow as early as the weekend. I don�t know quite how I fell about this. Yes, I love snow and all, but I would really like for fall to have its way with us first, an easing into the cold. It�s always amazed me that the temperature here can go from 80 to 30 in 12 hours. Then again, a few years ago back home, we were in tank tops and sandals one day in March only to be confronted with a nasty ice storm the very next morning, freezing car doors shut and turning driveways into black ice rinks of death.
