Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 6:41 pm on 06.08.03

My dad passed yet another MS exam the other day and in tradition with sending him a congratulatory vole every time, I crafted yet another one.

Our day began with much lying about, waking then falling asleep again and cuddling one another in between. Then onto the sex. Yes, sex.

We were going to go and see Finding Nemo, but the show we wanted was sold out and we didn�t feel like sitting around the theatre for another 45 minutes. Other than that quick jaunt out, we�ve not done anything.

Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story was every bit as wonderful last I thought it would be and I�m greatly looking forward to next week�s continuation. I�m itching to buy all three VHS sets (AoGG: tCS is on a different page), as they don�t have Anne of Avonlea on DVD. I�m such a huge dork I can barely contain the urge to throw bankruptcy to the wind and buy them all now. I will not do it. I don�t want to live in a cardboard box.

We were supposed to get our asses kicked by rain today, but I�ve seen nothing but sun so far. It only just now got a little bit cloudy. So far, I really like this June. I hate heat and it�s been nice enough to stay under 80 degrees so far. If only it could stay this way then entire summer. I know that probably won�t happen, but I can hope.

We priced tickets for a trip home today. I have to send in my miles to see how much that brings down the fares. At last check it would cost more than $700 for us both to head East. I�m being kissed to the tune of some silly little song and Luke�s sticking his hand under my shirt. Go figure.
