Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 12:38 pm on 06.10.03

Ah, digital camera in hand, borrowed, of course. I�ve been taking a slew of cat pictures. I don�t know why it is that one always takes more photos of the pet than of the person. Granted, my cleavage is in some of the pictures, but that�s not terribly relevant.

Here are two of them:

Someone got a little too close while I was shooting�ah, the lure of the wrist strap.

Such a proper beast. Please excuse the cleave.

The graduation went well last night. It was not, in fact, held in a gym, but in their new field house, which made things almost unbearable hot and the acoustics were abominable. The two speeches given by students were the lamest I�ve yet heard. One took from Davis Letterman�s Top 10 and the other used Shakespeare�s As You Like It as a platform. Bo-ring. I was lucky enough to miss the boys� father. M saw him up close for the first time in a long time and, upon her return, said, �Man, he�s getting a little puffy, isn�t he?� I didn�t get close enough to see him, as he only turned up in my line of view while we were walking back to the house and he honked at Luke to go over and talk to him like some sort of child molester. I could just picture him asking Luke, �Hey, you like puppies?� as my unsuspecting beau approached the car. Back at the house, everybody discussed the possible origins of D�s puffiness, eventually settling on the fact that he has a woman to feed him after ten long years of being alone with his dog.

C left shortly afterwards, heading to Elkhorn or something to go to an overnight party with some of his now former classmates. It�s a pity that his best friend since Kindergarten wasn�t there for the ceremony. Said friend is instead in Alaska for the summer, having left on Sunday or thereabouts. Is it wrong of me that I didn�t speak a word to the new graduate the entire day? I think that when we arrived he asked my whereabouts, as I had yet to show my face in the dining room. I was busy grabbing an envelope and a stamp for Luke�s application for the fancy library job.

One Nigel Pug has begun learning to behave himself better. I sort of take back all the mean things I�ve said about him in the past. He�s a big cuddle bug and always manages to somehow weasel his way into my lap when I�m sitting on one of the couches. Yesterday he slept at my feet as I napped on the good couch. I don�t think he moved the entire time.

With all this talk of graduation and whatnot, I guess I really don�t have much to say about myself. Most of our weekend was spent either doing nothing at all or doing laundry/attending said ceremony.

We�re supposed to be getting some severe weather at some point today. The last time I heard a weather report, it was supposed to be in the high 70s and very humid. Fortunately for me, this is untrue so far. Yes, it�s humid, but it�s the same temperature as it was when I woke up at the crack of 10:30, so it�s not uncomfortable at all.
