Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:48 pm on 06.07.03

Yes! I get to watch something other than crap ass reruns tonight! PBS has seen fit to grace me with a continuation of the Anne of Green Gables movies I so loved when I was younger. I would tape them religiously every time WGBH had a pledge drive, careful to pause it during the �please pay us� moments. I am so excited I think I might just explode. When I told Luke about it this morning, he just looked at me funny. He just doesn�t get the girly stuff sometimes. I don�t get how a guy who used to proudly wear barrettes in his hair and occasionally paint his fingernails doesn�t understand the lure of a good girly story.

No, I don�t want to do something with Andy if he calls. I�m going to end up seeing him tomorrow more than likely and I�d rather spend time there with him chipper than with him bitching. Simple as that, really.

I�m really stressed out over our money situation. We paid our rent, got gas, and bought food this week. Even with what Luke put into our account today, we�re still way overdrawn and it really fucks with me. There is no way we�re going to be able to make our electric bill payment or July�s rent if something doesn�t miraculously drop a moderate amount of cash into our collective lap. I can�t ask my parents to borrow for fear that Dad would come out here and get me and we can�t ask M&G because M would oblige but not without really giving Luke a hard time. It makes me sad that I have to worry about this sort of thing. Luke keeps telling me that we�ve made it through far worse, but I can�t remember a time when we were incapable of borrowing. I just have to keep reminding myself that we will be okay no matter what. Money will come and we will make it through.

On a happier note, go here. I ranked 40.03945% - Major Geek. Yeah, that�s right. I know it�s pretty stupid to put test scores into one�s diary, but I just couldn�t resist this time around. I am one proud geek.

A friend of mine, Bubbie, used to maintain both a Diaryland site as well as his own domain. Said other domain was pretty popular, but he grew tired of running it after 10 years. Unfortunately, someone on the boards tried to find out what happened to him as a person and found his diary, only to post an excerpt from one of his entries on the message board. Whomever it was up and ruined it and he took everything down. They exposed his private space to the general populace, including to people he knows personally. That�s just wrong. I�ve known about his diary for a very long time, and he is the one responsible for my having a Gold account. He�s a good guy and doesn�t deserve treatment like this. If one of the former STSers finds my diary (except for BDC), this is directed at you. Don�t butt into his life. The character he created on the site was for entertainment, which is all it was. Yes, his diary may be publicly accessible, but had he wanted you to know about it, he�d have told you. If you know what�s right, you�ll forget his URL and leave him alone. Permanently. You�re the ones who screwed it up and it�s ultimately your fault that he abandoned the site for good this time. Don�t be sore about it. Just accept the reality of the situation.

I am so glad that tomorrow is the start of our weekend. Hopefully, we�ll be able to spend some real time together, not just in the presence of others. Our entire day on Monday is pretty much occupied, but tomorrow is wide open and I like it that way. We have to go and do laundry Monday, as well as go to C�s graduation. I don�t care whether we attend or not, but it�s up to Luke since C is his little brother and no matter how much of an ass he is to me, that doesn�t change their connection. It will be interesting to see how a normal high school graduation goes. My alma mater always holds the ceremony on Father�s Day in the Tabernacle.

Sadly, this is the best image I could find of it on the web.

This particular occasion is being held on a Monday night on the school�s grounds. I know that Luke graduated from the gym and they had fought to have it outside, but lost. I guess C�s is going to be out on the football field or something similar. I don�t know. I think that graduation ceremonies should be more special than to just hold them on school grounds. Maybe it�s because such a close community spoiled me or maybe it�s because I am more sentimental than graduation ceremonies require. I didn�t cry at my own high school graduation, but that was because I didn�t feel it was a parting. I knew we all had a summer together and would more than likely be going to school within an hour of one another. If only I had known that we would drift so much. Nobody really keeps in touch anymore. It�s all grapevines for the most part. I know what a select few are up to, but the ones that I want to find, I can�t. It�s sad, really. I�d love to see how Jainaba is doing and Maury and Tim, too. Google gives me nothing on any of them.
