Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Luke playing Kingdom Hearts||||

@ 6:44 pm on 02.21.05

well, fuck. I had an entry and the computer farted. Damn and blast it.

Anyway, what I said was that Luke's unemployed, I'm working 6 days a week trying to compensate the gap. Luke's looking into unemployment, school, and getting something to get more money coming in. We needs the cash, yo! Why did he get the axe? For drinking soda behind the counter last Saturday evening, of all things. His coworkers, now former, I suppose, are pissed and so was I. I still want to do some serious ball-kicking at that place. Of course, I could also

I'm looking into other jobs, too, that pay me more for less responsibility and allow me to actually sit and take breaks and do cool things that office/call center jobs allow. At the current place, I'm getting $7.75 an hour to bust my ass and take shit from the manager for stuff I didn't do. I can start at one of the places I'm looking into at $10.50 an hour plus get bonuses for showing up. Sweet action. Benefits would also be forthcoming. I can almost taste the paid time off.

Please cross parts for me around 10AM Central on Friday the 4th. I'm gonna need 'em.

I'm out!
