Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

||Reading too many books to really list||Excited for: Concerts Firday and Saturday! (please, throat, stop being a cock)

@ 1:27 pm on 03.23.04

I can't possibly express how boring being home sans Luke is. I finished cell phone cozy #1...or at least the actual knitting part and I don't know quite how I feel about it. Maybe if I sew up the other side and weave in the ends, I'll like it better, but I'm so not feeling it right now.

Unc and Cuz appear to have gone out, so I am alone without Cuz to amuse me. I'm watching actualy television for the first time in something like three weeks and I couldn't possibly hate it more. I usually just tape a couple of shows a week while I'm working, but this whole daytime deal blows. How did I ever manage to keep myself busy when I was unemployed?

I think it's time I refilled my tea. My throat is more annoying that actually painful, but regardless of boredom and loneliness, I'm happy to have a day off. I was really burned out yesterday and not at all into working. I wasted a lot of time knitting and hanging out with Luke while he read.
