Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to: a bunch of knitting hens clucking||||

@ 6:37 pm on 03.03.04

Working, working, working and I can't even listen to decent music tonight. We're having a massive sale at the moment and we've been so busy today that it makes me want to put my eyes out, what with the general misanthropy and all.

We were so busy that my manager didn't have a chance to give me a thorough coffee tutorial, or any kind of tutorial at all, for that matter. So, with a solo coffee shift coming up on Saturday and all, I'm fucking freaking out. I don't want to have to deal with that many persnickety people and their GD coffee.

I do get to take a nice 20 minute break to go get Luke, though, so maybe I'll pick up some dinner while I'm out, too.

I finished my hat and it's seriously wicked cute even if it is a little too big for my oddly small head. I also did a redesign for BDC, but he has a few things to fix because he kind of screwed up with the whole cut and paste thing.

Wahey! (That's my new thing. I blame it on reading British magazines with Justin Hawkins on the cover.)
