Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to The Darkness' Permission to Land||Reading Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books by Francesca Lia Block||Knitting: a head scarf, that fucking sweater, and a hat for me

@ 11:24 am on 03.02.04

So, Luke really does have a cold sore, but I don�t think I have yeast. It was just one of those itchy days from what I can tell. I think I was just irritated since the sex we had Sunday night was a little rough. It appears, though, that Luke lost his Abreva last night, so I told him to get more today. What with having begun treating it early, he can probably avoid the weeping/shedding of the virus phase altogether. We�re not kissing until it�s gone, though, and that makes me a little sad.

Today is M�s birthday and we haven�t yet gotten her anything. It�s a good thing she enjoys books and that Luke works in a bookstore because that�s what she�s gettin�.

G fucking pissed me off yesterday. He had the gall to yell at me because there was no milk. C was the one to polish it off and not buy more, but I get yelled at it even after explaining? What the hell? I told him that had I noticed the milk being low, I�d have bought more when I went to the grocery store Sunday, but it�s not like I drink milk here. I usually take dry cereal to work with me and use the milk that�s there, thus avoiding draining the house milk supply. Yet, I get yelled at for it? M was actually nice about it and told me that it wasn�t my fault, that C or E should have done it. Score one for M for once.

In other news, the power went out yesterday for a couple of hours. We got hit with a nasty thunderstorm mid-afternoon and the wind was so strong that the rain was moving in horizontal sheets. Some loose tree limbs fell and the electricity blinked once while I was on the phone with Luke, but I didn�t expect it to go out entirely. I was down here reading the latest BUST magazine when they went. I figured they�d come on again shortly, but to no avail. Darkness crept in and I frantically ran about the house looking for both candles and things with which to light them. No sooner had I rustled them all up and gotten them lit than the power came back on. 15 minutes later M&G returned from their jaunt to Chicago with fucking taper candles � the one thing I had longed for most.
