Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Andr� 3000's The Love Below||Reading Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books by Francesca Lia Block||Knitting: a head scarf, that fucking sweater, and a hat for me

@ 11:44 am on 03.01.04

Friday was a better day than Thursday by far. But, I got a little grouchy when Luke came home from work and said that we were going to a party Saturday night. He has a tendency to commit to events and such without first asking me. He merely assumes that I will want to go. I got irritated and told him so. Plus, he had asked the host to get him some alcohol and I was so not up to driving more than � an hour home with a drunken boyfriend in the car. So, I told him that since I was hanging with Andy that night anyway, I�d just stay over there and he could party to his little heart�s content. He wasn�t fond of that plan, as he wanted me to go with him, so he said that he wouldn�t drink and we wouldn�t stay for very long.

Saturday morning was a bitch. I was grumpy and had to work. The grumpiness was born of something that was going on with Luke and I, so I consulted my manager who has been with her boy for 9 years. I vented and she seemed to completely understand, so I think it�s just a general boy thing with the not communication well/apologizing only to see no results in a timely manner. I had to deal with nonstop obnoxious customers all day long and listen to high school banter for much of the afternoon. Was I really that boring and vapid when I was that age? I have my doubts since I have never really bothered to talk at length about things that really don�t matter. Andy picked me up and we hung out at his place talking for a bit and then went to have dinner with Luke. The rest of the night with Andy was much the same, spent watching DVDs and me knitting.

Luke came to get me, assuring me that we wouldn�t stay long if I was uncomfortable. We arrived to just a handful of people chatting and drinking wine. I was a little weirded out since I had only previously met three people there, the host included, but I was introduced and everyone was really nice. The crowd began to thin, Luke staying by my side, asking if I was okay, and just being a good boyfriend. Long story short, we ended up staying until 4:30 in the morning, leaving just 3 other guests there. There was one drunk girl there who kept saying she loved everything and fucking with the stereo, but she was easily ignored to a certain degree. Neither Luke nor I drank and he drove home since I was so tired. We hopped into the shower, agreeing not to deal with the trivial bits (me shaving, really) and got into bed. Despite being bone tired, he was feeling amorous, so a quickie was had and we were asleep by 5:30. All in all, I had had a good time and I was surprised that it wasn�t as raucous as I had imagined.

Yesterday we slept until 12:30ish and went to the grocery store. The weather was beautiful and we had planned to have a picnic, but that was before sleeping half the day and being out the entire previous night, so shopping was done and relaxing was the order for the day. We watched the Oscars and I was overjoyed at LoTR�s sweep. The Academy has been waiting for the trilogy to be done with and passed them up until they knew it was done. I was quite pleased with it all, even though I have yet to see most of the nominated films. Finding Nemo, LoTR, and Lost in Translation are the only three that I can recall seeing to date, but Luke and I have interest in a lot of others, so we�ll probably see them when they hit DVD.

Today I get to do a little cooking, fold some laundry, watch Waking Ned Devine (thanks to Andy!), and wait for Luke to get home. We�re both somewhat less than pleased about this whole no real weekend deal these days. When he left this morning, he looked so bummed out. I know that working was the last thing he really wanted to do today and the fact that he�s getting a cold sore really helped nothing. I told him to be careful because I woke with a creeping feeling and to call if he needed me or anything. He�s going to be dropping to part-time tout de suite and will have three days off instead of two. Hopefully two of them will be in a row and I can arrange my schedule accordingly. I told him that no matter what, I will be sticking by him through this.

Oh, and if I email with you on any sort of regular basis, I changed my email address for spam reasons, so email my old addy and I�ll get back to you through the new one.

Oh, and my crotch is itchy. I hope that I�m not getting a yeast infection to go along with Luke�s threatening to develop cold sore. We shall see.
