Once Upon A Girl

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� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to The Darkness' Permission to Land||Reading Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books by Francesca Lia Block||Knitting: a head scarf, that fucking sweater, and a baby hat

@ 11:43 am on 02.25.04

Yesterday was along one. I worked 9 � hours with no breaks on my feet practically the whole time. I hadn�t gotten sufficient sleep Monday night, so I thought I was going to fall over by the end. Luckily, I didn�t end up doing any closing stuff, having taken myself off the clock at 7:30.

I finished that baby hat, but I think I�m going to do another because I fucked up on the one I finished. I didn�t pay enough attention and it looks okay, but I want to do it right, you know? I�ll see what they think at work and then decide. If they say it�s sufficient, I�ll give it to the wee, but if they think I should start over, that�s what I�ll do. I can always use the practice on circs and double-pointeds. (Oh, Suki, the dpns were really easy. You just knit your stitches onto them from the circs, dividing them equally between three needles. I was scared at first, but then was told that I clearly didn�t need help, so yeah.)

We had our B&N knitting night last night and it was really nice. It wasn�t as big as usual and it was held at my work, too. I got to meet a few new people, talk with people whom I knew but not very well, and get more scuttlebutt than I previously had.

My next day off is Friday and I plan to spend it watching taped Gilmore Girls and Angel, sleeping as late as I damn well please, and maybe even cooking something.

C was supposed to have a court date yesterday to follow up on the charges he has here in WI, but I doubt that he went. I dropped Luke off at work this morning and when I got home he was gone. I know not whether he returned while I was re-sleeping. I didn�t sleep well last night and I really hate that. When my alarm went off this morning, I reset it (a button) and managed to go back to sleep for � an hour completely by accident. Whoops. So, here I am computing when I should be making myself some lunch or something because I have about 24 minutes until I have to leave and I still haven�t put on my makeup yet. At least I get my wake-up buffer zone today, though.

See, I have always had this thing when I wake up where I need to be able to just do nothing or something that requires very little thought for a while (between � an hour and 1 � hours>. When I was younger and at my dad�s, I�d wake up, go down the stairs, curl up in �my� chair and just stare at the yet-to-be-switched-on television. My dad, without fail, would always say to me, �You can turn on the TV, you know� and I would say that I knew and just go back to staring blankly. Yesterday, I was up, dressed, made up, and in the car within fifteen minutes of waking and the buffer zone didn�t happen, so even � an hour later I looked like a zombie. When I walked into the store, one of the owners thanked me for coming in and I asked her if she was only saying it because I looked so sleepy. She said that no, she was actually grateful, but I did look sleepy on top of it. And I had a tasty but bad-for-me breakfast of a day old apple Danish.

19 minutes (I�m multitasking and checking message board/email/diarizing/ mulling over makeup) and counting and I should wrap this up.
