Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to TMBG compilation||Reading A Cook's Tour by Anthony Bourdain||Knitting: a head scarf for my manager and that fucking sweater

@ 11:43 am on 02.26.04

It would appear as though the fact that I work very fast is actually biting me in the ass, making my manager and owners give me the ginormous projects to keep me busier for longer. Yesterday it was pulling things of the shelves, putting gold star stickers on them, putting them all in bags or boxes or baskets, and then bringing them all downstairs to the basement for some huge sale next week. I actually enlisted Luke in the lugging to the basement bit because there was no way I was going to run up and down the stairs 44 times in a row. Maybe I should start working more slowly so that such a thing doesn�t happen any longer. I also learned that I�ll be doing a solo coffee shift in a couple of weeks and that scares the shit out of me. I know that I�ll learn, but all those people!? All wanting me to make them coffee!

I was just checking the local paper back on the Island and saw that one of my classmates just had a baby boy. The announcement mentions no father and the baby has her last name. I�m guessing that little Elijah was an accident, though it wouldn�t really surprise me since the mom has never gotten off the rock and was always in and out of fairly unpleasant relationships. I hope that she knows what she�s getting in to and that she learned lessons from her own childhood. I remember being in the 2nd or 3rd grade and she, her older brother, and their infant nephew all came to hang out at my house for the day. It was only supposed to be her, but that didn�t work out. Her dad did the ceilings in my childhood home and her mom died when we were pretty young of a brain aneurysm, leaving a busy, fairly uninvolved man to take care of way too many kids/grandkids.

I have to say one more time that I have the best boyfriend on the planet. Not only did he help me with work, he also brought dinner (assemble your own sandwiches) and muffins for dessert, which we both had for breakfast this morning. I also have to appreciate him because I can talk to him about anything, he hasn�t gotten me pregnant, and he makes me unbelievably happy every day, even after almost 3 � years.
