Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to XTC - The Mayor of Simpleton||Reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain||Knitting: grey cardigan sweater for me

@ 11:47 am on 01.15.04

I have calmed considerably since last updating yesterday and I have heard nothing in response to my hastily left, but polite note. I did get what I think was they stinkeye from C when I went upstairs for a quick second, but other than that, I�ve had no contact with any of them. At least I know that my stuff isn�t being used anymore since I know who has access to it (Luke and I) and who doesn�t (everybody else).

The sex scene down here is pathetic at best. I can�t even remember the last time we had any and, though there was some planned for last night, the fuckers upstairs didn�t do their showering and whatnot on time, so we didn�t get to bathe until it was late and we were both too tired to do anything but cuddle and talk. We�ve decided that we need to start making time for us every night and injecting a bit more romance into our relationship. I think it�s been bumming us both out because what sex we do have has been lacking in intensity and frequency to a really depressing point. I�m not complaining about the fact that I get to cuddle, but I�d like to get back to where I could have both sex and cuddling with nothing left out. We both just feel this gaping chasm where sex should be.

It doesn�t help that I�m always grouchy about living with imbeciles and he�s depressed about work. If they would just move him out of magazines, he�d be so much happier, and he asks to be moved whenever another lead position opens, but they will never give it to him. It really doesn�t help that the manager is a passive-aggressive bitch, either. It breaks my heart to have him this way. Last night while we were cuddling he told me that when I called, he was really happy to hear my voice, even if I was just ranting. While it makes me feel good to know that he likes my calling even when I�m something short of chipper, it upsets me to know that he�s so unhappy.

I�d like to think that we can improve our happiness together by doing something short of getting the fuck out of here, but I am so bone-felt miserable living with these people that it�s all I can do sometimes to simply squeeze out a smile. When he�s home, I am happier, but I am also more likely to just break down sobbing. I�m tired of washing dishes that I don�t eat off of, walking a dog that I hate, and living with assholes who respect neither personal space nor belongings. And it�s not like we even have a clear idea of when we�ll be able to move. As long as medical bills, car repairs, and other costly and unavoidable miscellany keep leaping into the path, we will be unable to save anything.
