Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Loveline||Reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain||

@ 10:16 pm on 01.05.04

Our rings were ordered today. We learned that we're only allowed 29 characters per with 2 spaces between words, so we have to go back to the drawing board in terms of engraving.

Today was spent mostly bumming around in Madison, but included a trip to Urgent Care so that I could get a tetanus shot. There was a nail in my boot which partially broke the skin, so due to the facts that I hadn't had a booster in 10 years and that there had been mice living in my boots in the 2 years since I'd worn them (the aforementioned retarded in-laws don't give much of a shit about the mice that seem to run rampant down here), I had to go in and confront my intense phobia of hypodermic needles not once, but 4 times. Once for the tetanus, twice because my nerve damage caused me to kick while the doctor was numbing the very superficial wound, and once for the actual numbing, where Luke had to hold my leg down and I apparently hollered very loudly, "motherfucker!" despite my trying desperately to keep my sailor's tongue in control. I must have blanked for a minute or something because I really don't recall screaming such a thing. All I remember saying was "AAAAH! AAAAAH! AAAAAH! THE CORN!!" and writhing about. Why "the corn"? Because it's a Simpsons reference and we say it all the time whenever something untoward happens. I prefered yelling that to "son of a bitching cunt fucker goat molester!"

Luke was going to get me ice cream, but we decided that the retards would only eat it out from under me before I had a chance to have any. None of the lot has any respect for food that isn't theirs.

Andy did buy me dinner...sweet, sweet Mexican that doesn't make me sick.

And your day?
