Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to XTC's Fossil Fuel||Reading Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain||

@ 5:00 pm on 01.03.04

Um, ew. I just got a licorice Jelly Belly followed shortly thereafter by one that tasted like old lady perfume. Hell-o Shalimar.

My day yesterday sucked. I was crabby when I went to get Luke and went to bed that way, just wanting the whole thing to be over. He gave me kisses and hugs when he went to sleep, so it helped to ease everything a little bit.

We�re supposed to get severely dumped upon tomorrow int erms of snow. They�re predicting 9� and we have a winter storm advisory, so I guess we won�t be going grocery shopping. See, the plan was to pick out all the recipes and stuff we wanted to make and have them during the week while he�s able to cook and on vacay. Monday we already have plans to pick up more pills for me, order our rings, and have sushi, so that�s out, too. I guess we�ll have to muddle through tomorrow night and shop on Tuesday. What with all the show and all those fuckers upstairs had better go out tonight and buy their own damned DVD player because they�re not getting mine under any circumstances.

Bro-in-law got mail from Iowa District Court yesterday. He took it right away and ran off to his bedroom to open it without M seeing. She thinks it�s just a speeding infraction. She has no idea that the pair of them are also facing charges for both misdemeanor and serious misdemeanor. E came in today after dropping C at work and asked if there was mail for her. I think she�s expecting trouble.

I seriously need to stop talking about those people � except I think that G�s OCD goes deeper than I thought. That man has some major issues with food. He�ll yell at Luke for taking the package of Oreos and eating a few simply because he didn�t just take what he wanted while G will just keep going back for handful after handful. He also saves miniscule amounts of leftovers, leftovers of things that normal people would never eat reheated�like today, scrambled eggs? Who would reheat scrambled eggs? No one! They all infuriate me in some way. C by simply existing; M by being a bitch; G for all the reasons I�ve listed before; and E because she wears big clompy shoes in the morning when I�m trying to fucking sleep�that and she�s always fascinated by the remaining marshmallows in her bowl of Lucky Charms. She will sit there playing with them and squealing with glee.

Rules 1 and 2: avoid pink and black Jelly Bellies.
