Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Rufus Wainwright - Grey Gardens||Thinking of cuddly kitty||# of days to 23:1 ...cough it up, already!

@ 6:15 pm on 12.06.03

The party last night was fun, even if I did feel a little fish out of water at first. I got a little more comfortable once Greg and Tracy arrived and plopped themselves down next to us on the couch. Over all, I�m finding that Luke works with some very nice people, most of whom I would be very willing to hang out with on a regular basis.

We didn�t get home until about 2:30 and still had almost cold water in the shower. What the hell? I keep thinking that this is intentional, people taking showers late just so that Luke and I won�t have hot water when we get home. I woke up way too early for when I went to bed, was up for an hour, and then crashed again. I thought I�d take a nap, but so far that hasn�t happened and I�m doing okay considering.

I started to knit myself a purse this morning/afternoon. It�s going to have a purple hairy fringe around the top and a sparkly white body. I have to get some Velcro or snaps and some fabric with which to line it and put in an inside pocket once I�m done. I�m still at a loss as to what I want to do in terms of handles. I�m not sure if I should go with solid, non-knitted handles, a shoulder strap (knitted), or two corded handles (knitted). I suppose I could always just go the clutch route, too, but that would be a pain in the ass in stores and whatnot.

I spent an hour in B&N this afternoon when I dropped Luke off. The friends and family sale is tomorrow night, so I perused and wrote down the knitting books that I want. I�ll have to go over them again because I can only vividly remember two of the four that I chose. Luke kept swinging by and saying, �ma�am, message for you.� and then kissing me. After I�d been there for a while, he told me that I should probably go, as I was proving quite the distraction to him and making it difficult to stay away from me. How such a thing is possible, I don�t know. I guess I�m just that irresistible.

I have no concrete agenda for tomorrow, but I did request sex at every possible opportunity since we haven�t had sex on my birthday since I turned 20. I also want to shop, get sushi, stop in at the Aveda store for my pressie, and see Andy, whom I suspect we�ll meet up with at the f&f sale. I�m hoping he�ll take me out for dessert and libations like he did last year.

I read that they�ve been completely creamed by snow back home. If there were one thing I could have for my birthday, besides all the sex I could ever dream of, it would to be home and almost snowed in with my family and Luke. At least I will have one of those things.

Next time I write, I will more than likely be another year older.
