Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Andr� 3000 - Hey Ya!||Thinking about cold, hard cash||# of days to 23: 2 (whatcha gettin' me? huh?)

@ 5:16 pm on 12.05.03

Luke got home last night and told me that I had to leave the room, that he had to set up my birthday present. I hemmed and hawed because it wasn�t my birthday yet, but upon arriving upstairs there was pizza, so I was okay. He escorted me back down the stairs when he was done and what had he gotten me?


Yep, I have my very own Blondie Bear now. Take that!


We�ve been invited to a party tonight and we�re bringing a 6 of Guinness in a bottle. That stuff is seriously pricey, but I�ll bet it�s worth it for the beer lovers. Neither of us is big on the drinking, but we figured we ought to bring something.

I also got my gift from my dad and stepmom today. I wouldn�t have opened it, but it was in a very official, bill-looking envelope, so I opened it. A certified check for $200 fell immediately into my hot little hands. I plan on getting some new clothes and other stuff Sunday. M will yell at me, but fuck her. It�s my damned gift.

Dad had great news for me when I came online and he IMed me. He said he�d had a good day and then told me to ask him why. So, I asked and was told that he had an interview yesterday and an offer today and that it�s less than 2 miles from home. He also said he didn�t get a chance to send me a card because he�s been so busy with part-time contracts, but I�m clearly not bitter. My dad deserves a decent amount of work after being laid off for so long. It was more than a year ago that he lost his job at Big Surgical Supplies Place and I�m so happy for him. He also sent me a link saying that the economy is getting better with a worker shortage expected in the next few years. So, it�s good news for me, too.

Hooray for my dad and fat wads of cash!
