Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Luke playing Dreamcast||Thinking I'm very thirsty||# of days to 23: 6 (whatcha gettin' me? huh?)

@ 4:42 pm on 12.01.03

I just bought four more pairs of boyshorts bringing me to a total of 6. Someone stop me and my sickening obsession.

I think I may be the only person on earth to walk out of the DMV pleased with the photo I receive on my driver's license. Note, however, that this has only happened to me whilst living in the great state of cheese. Prior to coming here, I always had horrific license photos and don't even ask about the infamous passport picture. I had to renew my license today and I look smokin' hot on it. It's like Wisconsin's DMV cameras are magical. I watched as the two people in front of me got their photos taken and they ended up looking like tools, but not me. I've got a gift, methinks.

I'll scan and post it when I get the chance. I don't know if the scanner upstairs is working yet since Luke put OS X on their Mac last night and there have been some minor harware incompatibility issues.
