Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Lisa Loeb - How||Thinking of nausea||# of days to 23: 8 (whatcha gettin' me? huh?)

@ 4:57 pm on 11.29.03

When did I become such a spending whore? To my credit, though, today�s purchases were things that we actually needed. We both needed socks and the cat needed treats and fresh litter.

Last night, for the second time in 3 � years, one of my legs decided that it didn�t exactly feel like doing it�s most simple of tasks, that being keeping me standing. One second I�m standing there considering brushing my teeth and the next my ass is planted firmly on the ground, a massive stinging hurt in the pad below my left index finger, the place that essentially took all of the blow. I�d rather have a bruised hand than have awakened the entire house, though. Luke didn�t even notice the little bang that I created.

And can I just say how much getting rejected twice in a row sucks? Last night before bed, he said he was too tired and this morning after waking up, he said his lips were too dry. Fuck that, dude. It wasn�t until I withdrew that he wanted some and then he pouted for half an hour when I refused. The only thing that made such a hit to the pride better was the fact that the cat was plopped directly between our heads when we woke up this morning. He usually just sticks to my pillow, but something motivated him to do double duty today. Adorable, in a word.

I think I�m addicted to boy shorts now. I saw some while getting socks today and Luke had to tear me from them, me internally screaming, �they�re only $4.99! $4.99!!!� I just have to wait another week or so until I have birthday money. Then I can go nuts with the underoo shopping. I wore the ones I bought yesterday starting with the moment I got them down the stairs. Why weren�t they thought of earlier? They are the epitome of comfort and sex all in one. I like the �ass cheek peek� you get with them.

I also fucked up on my makeup earlier, thinking that some glitter on the old eyelids would be sextastic. Little did I know that such a look is no longer good on an almost 23-year-old woman. I�m not 16 anymore and because of the inherent clinginess of glitter, each eyelid does indeed look like a discoball, despite my best efforts at removal. I managed to get some of it off, but even a single fleck is a wee bit garish, I�ve found. I�ll save that stuff for when I want to go all candy raver, but for the time being, I think I�ll stick with the lovely subtle shimmering powder that I�ve had since the dawn of time.

There�s an empty garbage bag in here that I brought down to use at a later date, but I don�t think I can take it. It�s one of those horrifying odor repellent ones, but I find the smell to be worse than actual rotting garbage. It�s making my stomach turn, or so I�d like to believe that it�s the bag and not the frozen burrito I had when I got back from delivering Luke to the mines. I think some chocolate is in order. Today is not a healthy eating day. I had pumpkin cheesecake for breakfast fer chrissakes! Luke offered it to me and I couldn�t resist since he was having chocolate pie. Bad Disco! Bad, bad Disco!
