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� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Tori Amos' Tales of a Librarian||no thoughts||# of days to 23: 16

@ 7:08 pm on 11.21.03

It feels like it�s been a really long day and it�s only 6:45. We woke up at 10:30ish, had sex, got up and bummed around a bit. I get to go pick him up at midnight and, though I am eager to spend the extra half hour of alone time with him, I don�t really want to do more driving since it took an hour to get up there this afternoon (fucking Beltline traffic jams) and half back.

Luke brought me home my anniversary gift last night. He got me Tori Amos� new best-of (on Atlantic) compilation, Tales of a Librarian and everything has been remastered and cleaned up, but I don�t quite know how I feel about what they did to my most favorite song ever, �Precious Things�. Sure they made it darker, but they also made it less muddy, which I think takes away from it a bit. I�m still elated that for the second year in a row, he�s bought me a Tori album despite the fact that he hates her with a passion. Technically, he got me one and a half gifts because he also bought Black and White, which I originally thought was a FPS, but it�s sort of right up my alley with the magic and the animals and the hey hey hey. I don�t know how I feel about the navigation, but I�m sure I�ll get used to it.

Did I just openly admit to being a video game nerd? Why yes, yes I did. Thing #2411 that you never knew about one Miss Disco. I don�t enjoy FPSes, but I do like games that involve mysticism and �ancient� cultures. We regularly play Dungeon Keeper II, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, Age of Empires (is it wrong that I regularly play a game whose main objective is to essentially commit mass genocide?), and Neverwinter Nights.

I�m really starting to miss knitting, but I can�t get to my other projects because I don�t have the necessary yarn yet. I wanted to go get more today, but I bought Luke�s anniversary present (the new Outkast), a nightlight so that I can pee in the middle of the night without breaking my face on the big metal pole by the stairs, and sheet straps, so I didn�t think I could justify the cost. I�ll probably grab some tomorrow because if I want to get Sarah�s scarf done in time to send it with Dad�s, I�ve really got to get cracking. I want to try making something with sparkly eyelash yarn and another type held together. I�m sure I could find someone to give such a contraption to for Xmas.

I honestly can�t wait until Ghostcat gets comfortable enough around here to be able to have the run of the house because he�s driving me batty at night. I am a notoriously light and sensitive sleeper (hence the need for a fan, a cold room and tons of blankets, and complete darkness) and even with the fan providing white noise, I can hear him getting up to his nefarious fuckery, knocking things over, and climbing to where he doesn�t belong. I realize that part of the climbing is due to the fact that the mice are living in the ceiling of the room and he can hear them, but something must be done. I want to move the wardrobe away from my dresser so he can�t get up there and I want to move my dresser so he quits knocking everything on it and my nightstand around. He�s pretty cute most of the time, sleeping in a little ball on the bed, but I wish he�d stay cute while I�m trying to sleep.

Next week will probably be insane around here since there will be at least 10 for Thanksgiving and 8 sleeping here. W and K will be coming from Michigan (yay, W!) and sleeping in C�s room while C and E sleep on the living room couches. (Take that, C!) Hmmm�.looks like it�s parenthetical Friday. I just can�t seem to keep away from them this time. We�re also supposed to be getting some snow accumulation on Sunday and Monday which means that if I don�t get to hang with someone Sunday night while Luke�s at his meeting, I will fret like crazy until he arrives home safely.

I changed the About page, if you care.
