Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

||thinking about cuddles||# of days to 23: 23

@ 4:39 pm on 11.14.03

It�s already been a long day and it�s not even that late. I am just glad that I never have to look at, let alone move, that couch again. We got it out to the dumpster today and when I went to take Luke to work, someone had already snatched it up. There wasn�t anything wrong with it, it just wasn�t worth keeping. The bedroom has been essentially entirely packed up, save for the things that sit on our nightstands and some random little objects. We�ve laid out clothes for the next two days (how sad!) and packed up all but a couple of dishes.

I simply cannot wait until Monday when all of the moving itself will be done and we can maybe relax a little bit. Sure, we�ll have to unpack everything, but it will be better than lugging giant bookcases (the most dreaded piece of must-keep furniture we own) and cleaning floor to ceiling. I am really quite pleased with how well we�ve done. Almost a week ago, I was worried about how we were going to manage it all, but we�ve kept a cool collective head.

It seems that being as busy as I have, I�ve lost a bit of weight despite being unable to do my yoga and pilates all week long. The pants I�m wearing are fitting better than they were. I will hopefully be able to get back to my routine next week.

The rest of my night will be spent knitting, kitty cuddling, and I also have to bring Luke his dinner.
