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� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

listening to Beth Orton - She Cries Your Name||Thinking about snow||# of days to 23: 24

@ 12:13 pm on 11.13.03

We spent last night packing and shopping online for cell phones and plans. We figure we�ll need a cell connection between the two of us because G gets psycho about he phone when M isn�t home and C is addicted to the telephone, so it will be nearly impossible to use it in the evenings. For this reason, I think I�ll go in for a web phone.

I am so very sick of cleaning I can�t even begin to describe it. We�re neither neat freaks nor slobs around here, but who knew there would be so much to clean? I spent an hour in the bathroom cleaning it yesterday. When I was done, I was even reluctant to step inside it to pee.

In amongst our varied and sundry crap, I found Luke�s favorite photo of us, taken not long after I moved here over by State St. It�s obviously sunset and it�s just a good picture over all. It�s not my personal favorite of us, but we�re all allowed our preferences. I�m glad we found it because Luke had mentioned it a while ago, but when a search was mounted, we came up empty.

We�re giving a bunch of stuff to Goodwill, so that helps to cut down the amount of crap we have to move and we�re also tossing the ever hated pull-out couch. It would be nearly impossible for just the two of us to move this thing into a truck, let alone down two flights of stairs (those of this apartment and the basement). Last time we moved it, there were four of us and there was still a fair amount of difficulty. I�m also glad to be rid of it because, quite frankly it�s ugly and uncomfortable. So there. I said it.

We got our first snow last night. Nothing stuck, but the flakes were flying. Yesterday�s weather was so strange. It started with sun and warmth, moved into greyness and wind, then it rained followed by snow, and the temperature dropped a good 30 degrees. We had to bundle up with blankets before going to bed it was so chilly.

I�m about 1/3 of the way through G�s scarf. He�d better like and use it or I�m going to kick his ass. (Read: empty threat.)

Luke also found out that he has only to work 1/2 a day on our anniversary. Of course, the other half he has to technically work on a Sunday since they have their annual get geared up for the holidays meeting thing. But, I'll be glad to have him that extra half day. I orginally thought I'd be spending it largely alone since he would have had to work until 7:30.
