Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

listening to nothing||thinking I wanna bagel||# of days to 23: 26

@ 1:06 pm on 11.11.03

I�m okay. Really, I am. I haven�t cried since Sunday when I had to try and recount the story to M. Luke had to take over for me.

We�re not moved yet, but we�ll be settled in a new home by the end of next Monday. I have to pack and clean all week long, but this is what I ultimately wanted, only I�d have preferred that it take place this past weekend, not next due to the amount of anxiety I am experiencing over being able to get everything done. Sure, I�d have preferred that we not be moving under these circumstances, but as long as it�s getting done, that�s all that matters to me. I had trouble getting to sleep because of my racing mind. Had we done it all this weekend, we not only would have had help, I also would have been able to sleep.

We�ve already gone through the closets, the storage space, and taken down the art on the walls. I have to take care of the bathroom cabinets and set aside the little used kitchen implements today. The hardest part is getting Luke to throw things away. I never thought that I would meet a bigger pack rat than I am, but he develops sentimental attachments to the strangest things.

The weekend was decent over all. M kidnapped me on Sunday so that I could help her pick out Luke�s Christmas present (Game Boy Advance SP and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance). Her actual intent was to exchange a skirt she got that ended up being too big, but they didn�t have what she needed. We also went to this really cool little shop in Fort Atkinson called I Love Funky�s. You wouldn�t expect such a place to be in such a Podunk town and it�s full of quirky antiques ultra cool furniture and various knickknacks. Everything is very expensive, but it�s still nice to go and look around. The same guy also owns a cool bath/cooking shop and a fine furniture store. He seems to be trying to single-handedly revitalize the town.

I finished the scarf I was working on and plan to send it to my dad for Christmas. I have to make one like it for G, too. I also made an adorable little head kerchief thingy out of sparkly white baby yarn. Once I get done what I need to for the day, I�m going to start on G�s scarf. Luke�s learned to purl and done a swatch of stockinette stitch and was trying the rib stitch last night. I love that he�s cruising along so nicely.

Because things have been so shit, we spoiled ourselves yesterday. We got sandwiches from our favorite deli for lunch, went to Target and got me a couple of bras, a super sexy little camisole, and a pair of black velvet boy shorts. I didn�t know how well they�d go over, but they are seriously the most comfortable ubersexy things I have ever worn. I�ve decided that I may make the switch to exclusively boy shorts in the future. Needless to say, Luke enjoyed them, too. He didn�t even wait to get them off of me before going to town. We bought the yarn we needed and he got a new graphic novel.

Sadly, even though today is a national holiday, Luke doesn�t have the day off. He never even knows if he will on regular holidays, so he went in today only to find that not only does he have to work today, he is neither getting time and a half nor is he getting an extra day off. At least he�ll be bringing home boxes tonight, though. I just wish that he were here to help me out. I suppose, though, that this is a case of turnabout being fair play. When last we moved, he had to do all the packing and moving while I worked. He did have help, though, and I did a lot to get things moving, like funding the whole thing and doing all the necessary cleaning.

I am a little worried about the cat adjusting. Not only is there another cat there, but there is also a dog that doesn�t understand xenophobia. Thankfully, we�ll be getting the big basement room, so we can have GC in isolation there until we feel he�s adjusted well enough to start introducing him. The only other catch is that they might be getting a second dog very soon, another black pug. I am also concerned about the C situation. He will be moving back home sometime next month and he�s going to be beyond sour that Luke and I have taken the room he was supposed to get. On top of being sour, he�s going to want to come into our room to watch DVDs and use my computer, both things I am not a fan of. Luke says that he has no choice but to at least be civil to me this time around, though, because he has a girlfriend and doesn�t have the leeway to lose so much face. Luke can dish out all the vitriol that he wants to, because he doesn�t give a shit what E thinks of him and knows that I�m not going anywhere, so there is nothing lost. With luck, these are issues that won�t even have to be broached. I�m crossing my fingers.
