Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to U2 The Best of '80-'90||Thinking about that idiot nightmare||# of days to 23: 33

@ 12:18 pm on 11.04.03

I am addled this morning. My alarm clock decided to go off right in the middle of one of the worst dreams I�ve had in a long time. I dreamt that Luke and I went back East for a visit and that he came back here without me; leaving me unable to get back and begging everyone I knew to help me. The most vivid thing about it was all the sobbing and the forgetting of phone numbers that I can spout off the top of my head without even thinking. I was at least glad that my subconscious didn�t decide to spring this on me tomorrow when Luke wouldn�t be there for the 10:30 alarm sounding. It was very helpful to be able to roll over into his arms.

Speaking of rolling into his arms, last night was both fun and strange at the same time. We watched Dave after showering and Luke made to get frisky just as Sarah McLachlan came on, so I asked him to wait the three minutes so I could watch her and then I�d be set. Cue the song ending and him turning off the light. Things began normally enough, but before long he turned on the light, blindfolded me, and taped me (PVC bondage tape), then began doing wonderful things to me. After half an hour or so of sweet torture, things got to be a little too much for me, so he untied me and gave back my sight. A very strange thing happened then; I started to breathe really heavily and then broke down sobbing. I think I really freaked him out because he got very apologetic and held me extra tightly. I explained that it was just a physical reaction to intense physical stimulation and whatnot, so after I made sure that this wouldn�t be the last time we had not-so-vanilla fun, we went about finishing what we started in a very loving way.

He had another strange sleeping episode, though. I fell asleep around one and he stayed up reading and apparently got a slice of pie, but two hours later, he started making a bunch of noise which woke me up and I found him kneeling in bed next to me. I asked if he was okay, and I guess he was, but that was seriously weird shit. I asked again this morning and I don�t think he knows what caused it. He was clearly in that odd sleeping/waking state he was in a couple of weeks ago when I woke to him nibbling my tricep.

The weekend otherwise went fine. I finished the scarf I was working on and started a second, different one yesterday. Laundry day was something of a mixed bag, as C was there with E again for some strange reason, but they left not long after we got there. I spent most of the time talking with M about various things, including the ironing out of Thanksgiving plans. Apparently, I�m in charge of making a chocolate pie and mashed potatoes with roasted garlic, sour cream, and cheese. We also hit the town of Verona (a mere five minutes down the road from our place but I�d never been), where they have a lovely little yarn/coffee shop called The Sow�s Ear. It was gorgeous, but rather pricey, so we didn�t buy anything. We instead went to B&N so Luke could turn in his vacation request (he wants our anniversary, the 25th, and the day before Thanksgiving off) and get coffee, where I had my very first decaf caramel macchiatto.

The shittiest thing about his vacations/sick/personal time allowances is that they don�t tell you on your checks how much time you have available, so he called Saturday early evening and said that he wasn�t feeling well, could I call and check how much time he has? So, I call the 800-number, was met by the now ubiquitous machine prompts, and learned that he had no sick time, but a day of personal time and 5 days of vacation (vacation?! We didn�t even know he had any!) to be used by January 14th. He calls back to get the available tally, I tell him the news, and he says that taking any time off before Thanksgiving and Christmas is prohibited, leaving 25 viable working days in which to schedule 6 off. He used 4 personal hours Saturday and now we have to wait for his two vacay days to be approved. He�ll have to take the other three after Xmas in fairly rapid succession since he�ll otherwise lose them completely. They don�t even pay out your remaining balance, those corporate MFs.

Back on topic now, yesterday we slept in, bummed around a bit because Luke was (is) still a little sickish, went to get more yarn and needles, and got Luke some food at McD�s. He�s been craving their fries for some time now, and though I don�t really believe in supporting them, he needed indulging. We came home, I started scarf #2, and then Andy came over. I would far rather he come here than we go to his place at this point because it means that I don�t have to dig out a place to sit and it�s not �340 degrees in our place. We rented a movie for us (Old School, and one for just Luke and I (Gingersnaps), got pizza for them and a sandwich for me, and enjoyed the film. Andy left good and early, so I didn�t have to deal with him much, and Luke and I spent the rest of the evening as described above, only I seem to have omitted that Luke taught himself how to knit! I seem to be a lot more proud of his accomplishment than he is, but I think it�s so cool that I have a knitting boyfriend now. I don�t think he�ll actually do much with his newfound skill, but the more boys there are knitting, the more knitting loses its old lady funk.
