Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to The Darkness' Permission to Land||Thinking about scarves||# of days to 23: 36

@ 4:14 pm on 11.01.03

Those hurt fingers of mine? Yeah. Um, if you�re just starting to knit, know that hurting fingers shouldn�t happen and you�re doing something terribly wrong. Last night after causing myself pain for far too long, I swore, unraveled what I had been trying to work on, and decided that I was going to look at the book again for their step-by-step instructions. So, I was sitting there trying to follow them, when something clicked and I was off. It was like I hadn�t ever stopped knitting 10 years ago, only now I know how to cast on and bind off by myself. So, I made my first swatch to get my gauge and then started on a big, honking scarf. I�m roughly halfway through it right now and it looks damned good. It�s funny how the anger and frustration that comes with being bound and determined can really help things along, so far as you decide to let the anger go and just relax. Did what I just said make sense? No? I didn�t think so, either.

It�s so funny now that I�m actually knitting well. Luke will be sitting across form me reading or something and just start staring at what I�m doing. I think he wants to learn, so once I get a little better at it I�ll teach him. It�s a little unnerving to see him staring so intently at me, but I don�t mind it too much. He says it�s because he loves me. (All together now: Awwwwwww)

Luke got out of work early last night, so I had to run out earlier than expected to get him. When I got there, he had two giant cups full of chowder for me (3/4 of which went into the fridge, � went into my belly). Some spilled down my leg while I was driving because he had put it into a fairly unstable place, so it looked like someone had spunked on me.

Last night when we were going to bed, I got a little mushy and said something along the lines of my wishing that we were more �established�. He said he did too, but I thought he just meant it so that there would be less stress on us. I mentioned that his feelings about it were different from mine and that my wishing about it revolved around our ability to marry, but he gave me a real shock. He told me that if we were financially solvent right now, he would marry me in a heartbeat, that 25 isn�t some magical hard and fast number, but a point that he figures we�ll be set by. I�d always thought that 25 was just some arbitrary rule he�d set for himself and that he�d never marry prior to it on principle. I almost cried when he explained himself. It�s a wonderful thing to know that he feels the same way I do. Being so overwhelmed despite being tired, so much emotion led to a goodnight kiss led to making out led to wonderful loving sex.

As a result of waking at 9:30 yesterday and going to bed at nearly 3 this morning, I actually got to sleep as much as I wanted to. I woke briefly at 9:30, but had no trouble getting back to sleep and stayed that way until noon. Andy called shortly after I got up and wanted to know if I wanted to go to an outlet mall more than an hour away with him. I told him I didn�t know and that I would call him when I got back from dropping Luke at work, but here I am an hour post droppage and I�m online avoiding AIM because I don�t want to go. I honestly have too much to do. I skipped working out yesterday because I spent so much time walking around and cooking and knitting and not eating, so I have to do it today. I also have to clean up the kitchen and a few other little miscellaneous things I haven�t gotten to lately, like snipping the heads off my now dead roses and stowing them away for memory�s sake. I think a girl should always save her first dozen red.

I was thinking last night that when I get into a little better shape, I might like to take up running. I�ve been doing it in short bursts over the past few days, running across the odd parking lot to the car, chasing after Luke, what have you, and it�s not as bad as I once thought it. Sure, it�s a little hard on the tits, but for a girl who�s never liked running to suddenly like it is a big deal, so we�ll have to see how that goes.
