Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to the Joni compilation||Thinking about my damn hurt fingers||# of days to 23: 37

@ 5:53 pm on 10.31.03

Happy Hallowe�en, my bunnies!

Waaa! No party for me. Don�t worry, I�m not as broken up about it as I seem. Luke wanted to go, but put the kibosh on it because he has to work tomorrow and doesn�t want to get his drink on before working. My Bondage Kitty costume will just have to wait another year. Hopefully, I will look even hotter in it than I do now. Maybe by then I�ll have a nice pair of tall boots to wear with it, too. I do think that I�ll bring Luke his dinner with kitty ears on, but that�s it for costuming.

I tried to convince Luke to go to work wearing bunny ears, but he didn�t want to do that. He said he�ll wear ears with me when he gets home, but I don�t think that�ll be any fun since the holiday will be almost over. He said he was just going to go the Oz (of Buffy) route and go as God in plainclothes. I think it�s a bit of a copout, but Oz is the coolest character this side of Spike, so any and all ideas from him are fine, in fact encouraged, by me.

I am a very spoiled girl in love with a very spoiled boy. While the boy gets oh so tasty meals, I got a ton of knitting stuff today. I didn�t realize how expensive some stuff could be, though. Luke told me after making the purchases that I shouldn�t feel bad about it, that he likes getting me stuff that makes me happy. So far, in this case, it�s making me frustrated, but I know that the road to satisfaction can be a torturous one. The lady who owns the fancy yarn store is a bit kooky, but I did like her. She was extremely helpful in picking things out and it was a very homey place.

I�ve actually been so busy today that I haven�t eaten anything save for the odd taste of chili to gauge how it�s coming along since I don�t use a recipe. Is it strange that cooking makes me forget to eat? On one hand I�m kind of glad because a pair of pants fits me better now than they did a week ago, but on the other, I fear the evil disordered beast that can come out. I�m glad that this time I have someone to tell about such things and that he will tell me if I start getting weird about food and stuff. Last time I made a decision like this, the only person who knew was my best friend and what did she do but give me a book about someone who was eating disordered? She meant to help, but doing such a thing is the worst possible move one can make when concerned about someone they think is going overboard because all it does is encourage, give tips. I got so neurotic after reading it. This time, though, Luke is there to tell me that I should eat or that I should slow it down a little bit with the working out. It�s a comfort, something that it wouldn�t have been previously. I don�t want to go there again and he doesn�t want me disappearing, so we�re a good team.

Ever since the time change last week, I�ve had a hard time sleeping as late as I would like to. I woke at 9:30 today and couldn�t get back to sleep. Luke woke shortly after, apparently with the intent to go back to sleep, but I guess I kept him up, so he schtupped me and we went shopping.

I�m a little bit anxious about how my piecrust will turn out. It�s my first ever, so it�ll either be a mild success or a complete disaster. Pastry is an unbeaten path as far as I am concerned. I wanted to make a p�te sucr�, but didn�t have the motivation to search a recipe out. As long as the pie filling itself (no fail pumpkin in this case) comes out right, Luke will be perfectly happy since he rarely eats the crust. Essentially, I�ll be the one to bring down the piecrust verdict. (Well, it�s out of the oven and looks lovely. So, if it tastes like a tire in a pig trough, at least it�s got that going for it.)
