Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to The Simpsons||Thinking Andy's an ass gladiator||# of days to 23: 42

@ 7:16 pm on 10.26.03

Just for the record, Andy is a retard. We waited an hour for him at the airport this evening only to leave without him. We came home (with Andy having called 4 times despite knowing that we spend Sundays with M&G) to a message saying he missed his fucking connection flight at Minneapolis/St. Paul and he'll call us at 8 tomorrow when he's in Madison.

1.) We can't hear the phone from the bedroom.

2.) We sleep late.

3.) We can't bring the phone into the bedroom because the battery will go dead and we'll be fucked.

4.) I don't understand why he couldn't have just driven his ass there, spent the $12 to park for three days, and taken care of his own shit.

Had he not alienated almost all of his firneds, he wouldn't be bothering us with his fuckery.

Color me pissed that I have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to get his bastard behind from the bloody airport. Being a nice person is really overrated. Seriously.
