Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to NIN's Pretty Hate Machine||Thinking I hurt/||# of days to 23: 44

@ 4:30 pm on 10.24.03

Holy fuck, that was just some serious thunder. It�s only 50 degrees out and it looks like dusk, but I saw a flash a minute ago and thought it was odd. Of course, some major cat-disturbing rumbling followed said flash. Now comes the rain.

We had a fine evening with the Muppety one last night. It began with a bit of confusion, but it turned out well in the end. I told him to be here to go get Luke and shop at 5, warned him he had 25 minutes to get here over IM when the time came, and then left only to see him coming in the opposite direction more than five minutes after my departure. Luckily, he waited outside until we got back, knowing that we would be back before too long. We had chicken and herb ravioli in a pesto cram sauce with 5-cheese garlic bread and French silk pie. I was glad that I grabbed twice what Luke and I would normally get because Muppet can most certainly pack it in and we�d have been rather out of luck had we the normal amount. Muppet hung around until around 10, we showered, went to bed, and had some more sex. Hooray for sex! Last night wasn�t quite as intense as the night before because I was a bit sore (still am) from those damned Pilates, but it was still fan-fucking-tastic. We had some more when we woke up this morning and those were equally satisfying, though I have to wait until tonight for my just desserts.

Speaking of Pilates and related things, Luke got me a DVD each of Pilates and yoga, a mat, and a bonus yoga for abs video that came with the mat. I said I wanted to do all three today while he was working, but he dissuaded me, saying that he doesn�t want me overdoing it. Where was everybody when I was overdoing it in the first place? Oh, yeah, I didn�t tell anyone and they all just thought that I was losing weight like Roy lost blood because I went vegetarian. So, being able to speak from experience on the unhealthy losing of weight, I was talking to Andy in the car on the way to the airport yesterday when he told me yet again that he plans on losing 40 pounds between November and Dec. 12. One, chances are that his body won�t do it and two, if it will do it, he will make himself seriously ill. Even if someone doesn�t do what he�s planning on doing (Hydroxycut, anyone?), a body isn�t meant to shrink that much in 40 days. I took off 60 in 5 months and that was even too fast. The only reason he�s doing it is so that he can swim for a weekend, two fucking days, in front of his coworkers. I have informed him that if I find his speed (and Hydroxycut essentially is), I will toss it.

I am really pissed off with our phone today. M called earlier to try and get us to go buy her a Christmas present at the Dotty�s estate sale that they�re having this weekend (they just have too much stuff for the new location), but we�re neither interested in going nor have cash to spare at the moment, so he just continued the conversation when, less than 15 minutes later, what had been a fully charged phone went completely dead. It�s clear that we need a new battery, but we�ve got our old phone in its cradle charging up just in case of interim issues. Why can�t we just use the old phone until we get a new battery? Well, shitphone has caller ID on it, which we need to avoid the credit card company�s calls, you see.

I made it a point to have a huge magazine purge today. Luke was pretty against it, saying that he didn�t want me throwing them out, but you know what? He�s never going to read them if they�re on the bottom of a pile in some box, is he? I�m considering an edict saying that if it�s not read within a week, it�s going regardless of status. We filled an entire paper grocery bad on top of the one we already had. That�s a lot of magazines to have to recycle. I�m also trying to curb the number of magazines that find their way into the house because his messenger bag broke last week and I did a quick, not much weight-bearing fix on it with safety pins.

To yoga I go!
