Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 11:26 am on 09.17.03

I caved and we got delivery last night. I didn�t want to cook and Luke deserved a treat, so I called it in shortly before he was due to leave work and it arrived at the precise moment that he did.

At about 9 Muppet called for a reason unknown to me and it was decided that he was coming over and we were going to get coffee with him. So, he showed up and away we went to B&N for � price coffee. Muppet called it his treat, reasoning that he had dragged us out of our nest relatively late and it was the least he could do. It was about then that I started to feel sick. I had been headache-y since he arrived, but I started to feel just plain disoriented. It was like being drunk without the loss of inhibition. My vision was a little swimmy and I just felt off somehow. I didn�t mention anything about it, though, because Luke and Muppet were engaged in conversation and they don�t get to do that terribly often anymore. Muppet stayed until shortly after midnight discussing politics as usual and I actually got into the shower before he left. I knew it was going to take a bit for him to make his way out the door, as he always has something else to say, so he knows I wasn�t being rude by leaving.

We showered, went to bed, and got frisky, after which I promptly fell asleep. Luke stayed up to read and I thought that he had gotten a full night�s sleep, but when his alarm went off this morning, I asked how he slept and he said that he hadn�t fallen asleep until around 5. I told him that I guess next time we go for coffee, he�ll be getting decaf, something that I did knowing that I am already caffeine sensitive, let alone three hours before going to bed. I always feel so guilty when I get perfect sleep and he�s left up with insomnia. I know that it�s not something I can help, but we usually have it in tandem, so we tend to be equal in terms of sleep, but I just don�t like having slept better than he did. I told him as he was leaving to come home if he had any trouble. I know I slept as well as I did because I was sick last night and my body needed it, but I can�t help but feel that tiny twinge of something like guilt over it.

I realized how much of a relief it was to listen to Muppet talk. I only ever get to hear Andy bitch about himself and listening to someone who actually has something of merit to say is almost jarring. I don�t hear Muppet complaining about how he doesn�t have a girlfriend, thinking he is destined to be alone for the rest of his life. He doesn�t prattle on about his illusions of grandeur and he is sensible about his reasons for saying what he says. No, I don�t agree with him politically, not at all, but at least it�s a change of tune.
