Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 12:35 pm on 09.16.03

I had a lovely weekend. I did go out with Andy on Saturday night, but I had to call Luke at work and ask what to do, since Andy had called thrice and I hadn�t picked up once. Luke told me to call him back and say I�d do something just so that Andy wouldn�t think I was cold-shouldering him. When I talked to him, I told him that I would take none of his self-deprecation and that if he did it once, I would summarily beat him senseless with my shoe. It worked, too, because he didn�t say one disparaging word about himself all night. Score one for threats of violence!

Because one of Luke�s beloved coworker has been feeling terribly lately, he came home and told me one of the reasons was because both her son and her husband forgot her birthday this year, so we made her a fantastic compilation CD. I designed a very simple sleeve for it yesterday and he�s going to make delivery today. I really hope it makes her feel better because she�s such a wonderful person and I hate for her to be so upset. For Luke�s birthday she gave him a $25 B&N gift card, so we feel naturally indebted to her and believe that she deserves the best of everything. I think that once we can go grocery shopping again, we�re going to invite her to dinner just so that she can get a night away.

We did our laundry on Sunday, but couldn�t weasel out of dinner. We were an arm�s length from leaving when C called in a crisis and M was really upset about it, so we stayed for a bite. C really hates school and because of his pre-existing clinical depression and social anxiety disorder it�s hitting him especially hard. He has less than a month left on his meds and he needs to see someone to renew his script very soon, but won�t take the steps to do it. Apparently, his girlfriend (yeah, seems he�s now �in love� because she�s the only thing he has to look forward to in his quagmire of illness) took his car up there to see him this past weekend. C�s car is on its last legs to begin with, but M&G said she could use it until they find someone to sell it to, but they never intended that she go to Green Bay with it, a four hour drive, and it broke down when she went to leave Sunday night. This sent C into a spiral and he called in a panic, saying he just wanted it all to be over, making M so scared that she couldn�t stop crying about it. I talked to M for a bit, giving her hugs and trying to reassure her that he�s resilient and will make it through. She just wishes that he were closer and that she could do something to steer him out of this. There is already talk of transfer for next year.

Yesterday was spent looking for stickers to adorn the compilation sleeve with, but we came up empty everywhere we went, so Luke got a shake from Arby�s and we walked around the mall for a bit. This was all done after some very hot and impromptu sex that started with me just sitting on him on the floor in the living room. We came home from our fruitless outing, I burned a compilation for Andy and an album we had on .mp3, and we hung around together until Andy called and asked us to do something with him. Shortly after we got to Andy�s, his mom called and said that she had thrown out an old tent that she said was tattered and Andy hit the roof. He was screaming at her over the phone and ranting and raving about the loss of said tent. He said that he had already had a pretty bad day and I was just glad that I could immerse myself in downloading while he had his breakdown. Unfortunately, said downloading was pretty pathetic, as most of the important stuff we wanted never came in. I did get an album, though, to replace one that was lost in the Great Best Friend Falling Out of 2001. We went to dinner with Andy and told him that he absolutely needs to take some time out for himself since he�s been going to school 20 hours a week, and working almost 40 on top of it. He didn�t have a single day off last week and it�s tearing him to shreds. I don�t like seeing him in such a state, but he won�t listen to reason when we tell him that he�s put himself in this position and he needs to get himself out. He doesn�t have to work all day on Sunday from home for a job he knows he already has once he gets done with school in October.

Apparently, Psycho Coworker is leaving B&N and it�s doubtful that Luke�s going to be able to get her to go out with Andy, largely because she has the hots for Luke. I guess she�s both madly in love with him and loathes him at the same time. She said he�s evil, which I know to be patently untrue. I�m just glad that she�ll be drifting out of the B&N universe. I don�t need competition and while I know that Luke is hopelessly devoted to me and likes to �feel pretty�, as he puts it, when someone hits on him I really don�t need to feel like someone might snatch him from between my fingers before I even realize what�s happened. We�ve actually been talking wedding a lot lately, even though said wedding is still years away at this point, but knowing that marriage is pretty imminent is a nice reassurance that he would never step out on me.
