Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:18 pm on 08.29.03

Labor Day weekend is upon us already and I can hardly believe it. I�m a hop, skip, and jump away from my next birthday, Christmas will be fast behind it, and before I even know it, the lease here will be up and money or no, we�ll be packing up and heading back East to I don�t know what.

I�m a little worried about the reception I will get once I go back home. While I know that they desperately want me back, I worry that there are still some sensitive spots dealing with the way I took my leave. I am more worried about the adjustment Luke will have to make than my own, mainly because he has never been away from his family and his status within my own is less than stable since my dad is pretty aggravated about his little girl being stolen away. I know that in time, Dad will warm up and accept him as part of the family as is our way, but so far he hasn�t had enough exposure to Luke to know how he really feels. I�m sure that my wonderful stepmom will help to ease the tension. She tends to be a lightning rod as far as my dad is concerned and she is able to navigate situations with him much better than I am.

Luke told me this morning that he has Tuesday off as his Labor Day, so that means we have three whole days in a row together. Granted, one of them will be spent doing laundry and part of another will more than likely involve going out for our weeks date with Andy, but I think I�m going to try and reserve Tuesday as a just for us day. It�s been a long time since we spent an entire day free of interruptions just being together.

I�ve been having a kind of bad week. The whole stalker/coworker thing has been stressing me out and I talked to him about it. He said that everyone knows that he never even considers offers and that he points to his left ring finger to say, �hey, taken� and that he loves me beyond anything and would never even consider doing something that would give me cause to leave him. That helps to ease my constantly worrying mind considerably and he thanked me last night for all the work I do around the house. He even said that I do more work in a day than he does, what with all the cooking and cleaning I do. It felt really good to hear that he knows I do work, just not for money, and that he appreciates it as much as he does.

We had to change the sheets three days early last night because I unknowingly cut myself shaving and got into bed. I ended up bleeding all over the sheets and he asked if I wanted to change them. So, he pulled out fresh sheets and made me let him clean and apply a bandage to my gushing leg. It also rained last night for the first time in seemingly ages. I was transfixed and ended up leaving the bedroom several times just to stand in near the slider and watch it come down in sheets. I have always loved the rain; I have sat motionless in front of windowsills for hours just watching it and it is far from unusual to see me stand in it for extended periods or to go puddle jumping. Thankfully, the rain took the temperature down from 90 to 60 and sleeping was so very comfortable. Of course, oblivious me didn�t even realize how hot it was until I started to cook dinner and then had to turn on the a/c. I was flabbergasted when I saw that it was 91 out. Supposedly, it�s supposed to drop to 50 tonight, ah blessed chilliness, and I will keep the windows wide open and maybe pile on an extra light blanket to ensure that I don�t freeze. Of course, having another body in the bed with me makes it nearly impossible to freeze, but extra blankets just feel good. I�m really sick of having to throw the covers off because I get too hot at night.
