Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 9:47 pm on 08.06.03

If you�ve never hear it before, do yourself a huge favor and download India.arie�s Good Man. The song will break your heart, but it�s just utterly beautiful. I will readily admit that I heard it last week while watching (with only a little bit of shame) The Wayne Brady Show and immediately fell in love with it. In fact, I think I may even have teared up while they were singing it. You should also grab XTC�s Your Dictionary; it�s a great breakup song or just for when you�re angry. I�m not saying it�s all crunching guitars and bass drum, because it�s so not. In fact, it�s acoustic guitar, tambourine, and piano.

Luke�s home now and we watched part of the idiot Teen Choice Awards. Seriously, is that what the youth of today are like? If it is, I swear to Bob that when it comes time for me to have children and teens are still that utterly retarded, my children will be locked in the house until they promise me that they will not be fashion crazed ass wipes with their pants either too tight (girls) or too low (girls and boys alike) and fawning over celebrities who more than likely are dumber than a bag of doorknobs and certainly not deserving of all the adulation.

Yes, I am a curmudgeon and I�m proud of it, as I�ve said before. I am proud to say that I was a well-respected geek in high school, the end point for both gossip and the dispelling of nasty rumors. I dressed respectably, didn�t show off all of my various parts, and was thankful for every stitch that graced my skin. I will admit to being petulant at times, but what was I to do with an alcoholic, abusive mother who wanted little to do with me in the first place? Respect was not something I had for her, but knew better than to deny my other, decent elders the same. Those who were deserving got sunshine and rainbows from me while those who dripped abuse on me like so much molasses were adorned with my scorn and rightfully.
