Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 12:24 pm on 08.06.03

I think I�m learning to be more tolerable of Luke when he has a bad day at work. He came home grumpy yesterday and spent the majority of the evening playing on the computer, stopping intermittently to talk to me for short periods. Apparently. He had spent most of the day in caf� and was also informed that no one is allowed in the annex, where his desk is located, without a manager�s permission because they found a champagne cork back there. Luke, and Becky the caf� manager, shouldn�t have to ask if they can use their desks. It�s an integral part of their respective jobs and they really don�t have the time to track down a manager and ask permission.

I knew he had experienced a bad day and was completely levelheaded when he didn�t pay much attention to me all night. I did get irritated when he expected me to be all cuddly with him once we got into bed, but he knows that I don�t much like that in the first place, so no fighting was had. I had to go to sleep early because I was sleepy and had a headache. I just wasn�t in any mood to do anything but sleep.

We got a decent amount of rain yesterday afternoon. The lawns flooded and I had to close the windows because the rain was blowing in and soaking everything. Unfortunately, it didn�t really cool things off at all. It�s really making me miss being up North, where I had to wear my track jacket and long pants. Of course, here at home I don�t really bother getting dressed; I just wear my pajamas all the time. I don�t see a point in getting properly dressed when I�m not going anywhere. I also have no right to complain, though. I was watching the noon news yesterday and they reported that we�ve had only two 90-degree days and both were in June, so at least it�s been milder than my last two in this godforsaken state.

I had a lovely dream this morning. I don�t feel like going into details, but it was just plain nice.

I did the necessary rearranging of furniture yesterday, folded the laundry, and washed the dishes, among other things. Of course, having been so productive yesterday leaves me with absolutely nothing to do during the day today. It figures that the one day I find myself motivated, I leave myself with nothing to do the rest of the week.

Luke was even a love and cleaned the kitchen after dinner last night. He was really dropping the ball there for a bit and I would find myself taking care of that stuff the following day and getting pretty pissed off as a result. He knows that f I cook, which is 95% of the time, he is supposed to clean up afterwards. It�s not rocket science; if your food is made for you, do the cook a favor and clean up so he/she doesn�t have to.

Now that we have new furniture and places to sit more comfortably, we really need to have people over and make them sit. With two couches and two nice-ish (they�re kind of ugly) chairs, we have all this butt space and no butts to put in them.

It turns out that E�s butt will not be occupying our couch at any point. Andy called me last night before Luke got home to tell me that he was talking to Jim and that E had already been put on the lease and they got her a job on top of it, so I can stop worrying about the poor girl and not have to put anyone up for an extended period of time. I don�t much like having people stay over in the first place, as we live in a 700 sq. foot one bedroom apartment and sound carries. The one time that we had someone stay over (New Year�s this year), he could hear everything that was going on in our bedroom and it made me pretty uncomfortable. Despite my best efforts, I simply cannot force myself to be silent.
