Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 9:55 pm on 07.03.03

I am sad to report that the vehicle heretofore known as Chuffy has decided that she will no longer be willing to avail us of her services. Yes, after 201,000 miles, she wants to loose with this mechanical coil. Luckily, I am handling this news rather well. I�m not a wreck (I think I got that over with yesterday) and I have come to realize that after 5 wonderful years of driving her, she no longer owes me anything and it�s time to just let her go. I think that it has also sunk in that were we to get her fixed, she�d merely be a money guzzler. I will miss my first real car, but the day always comes when you have to give that one up and move on to other, if slightly browner, pastures.

Today was spent with Luke, who had the day off, at (you guessed it) B&N. Having nary another viable option besides window shopping at the mall, we spent the day hunkered down in comfy chairs reading while we waited for the diagnostics ($100! The fuck?), then to make a decision regarding what to do with the vehicle, and then waiting for a ride. I think it�s safe to say that we spent more than Luke�s average workday time there. Co-workers kept coming up asking why he wasn�t at home.

Unfortunately, in the 3 walking round trips to and from the car place, I managed to get burned. So, my shoulders and cheeks are all sting-y. I curse the Irish section of the blood coursing through my veins. I thank it only for the red hair. I am also quite tired, as I didn�t get sufficient sleep last night and had to wake at 7:30 this morning. But, as I said before, I�m handling this all very well. I�m not upset in the least. I started to get a little grouchy when it came to be 6:00 and I was still sitting in B&N freezing my ass off, but I�ve been in fine spirits ever since we got home.

M&G came to our aid at the same exact time that Andy showed up to do the same. We�re borrowing G�s car until something can be figured, so at least we have a way to get Luke to and from work. Gotta keep the money coming in, meager as it may be. I have a feeling that M&G will be helping us with the procurement of a new automobile, as I called my parents and their situation seems kind of bleak. Dad has two more tests to take, his part-time gig is very sporadic, and his unemployment is due to run out very shortly. I at least let them know what�s up, though, so I don�t have to worry about springing them with �uh�can I borrow some money?�

I was a little miffed when, after being out of the house for an unexpected 12 or so hours, to find that the chicken I had taken out to thaw for Luke�s special pre-birthday dinner was at room temperature. I had to throw it away because I didn�t know just how long it had been sitting fully thawed and would rather toss it than be sick all night.

That was my day in a nutshell. Was yours any better?
