Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 1:38 pm on 07.02.03

After trying to remain in some semblance of stability after posting that last entry, and failing miserably, crumpling into a sobbing mess every 30 seconds, I decided to go lie down and proceeded to cry myself to sleep after an hour. I slept for three full hours, waking thrice, but always going back. I feel marginally better now. At least I�m not crying. I still feel like an asshole and a complete idiot, but I called Luke and apologized to him for being as I have. I didn�t tell him that I cried myself back top sleep, but he needn�t know that, as it would probably make him worry. He seemed in a good enough mood, having eaten for free. He won�t be home until later this evening, some time after he�s gotten out of work at 4:30. I think he said Muppet was going to be getting him at 5:30.

Upon rewaking, I discovered that my favorite t-shirt, that I�ve had since I was a tender 9, may be soon unwearable. I�ve known that its been springing holes for the past several weeks but it may soon get to the point where I can�t even wear it out anymore without showing a hunk of boob.

I came online in my doldrums this morning to see if any of my friends were online, but nobody was there, so it was something of a desperate situation. Me being upset combined with insufficient sleep the previous night makes for a very bad combination indeed. I�m hoping that none of my neighbors could hear me sobbing. I felt as though I was breaking, but sleep seems to have eased that. Now, I just feel slightly cracked. Granted, neither feeling is desired, but merely cracked is the lesser of two evils. Oh, the things I was contemplating. Things I�ve not contemplated in years. It�s never a good idea for me to be left alone when I�m overwrought, but Luke isn�t my babysitter and I can take care of myself well enough. It worries me that I can get so upset, but I suppose that it�s simply the end result of bottling, which is rarely a good idea. It�s one thing to keep it in when you�re at a restaurant or somewhere in public, but to bottle it even when you�re alone or with someone you trust, makes for a precarious situation. Warning: Contents under pressure.

I�ve found that in my recent emotional hole, I�ve been eating less. I don�t get hungry and when I do, small amounts seem to sate me. I make sure to get plenty to drink, especially considering that summer has hit and it�s hot as Satan�s ass. I�m sure that with what little I was able to eat yesterday and having to walk so much did something. It�s a wonder that I�m not dehydrated today.
