Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 12:26 pm on 07.01.03

Three long days with no update and I guess I have a lot to catch up on.

Friday night brought an argument that wasn�t an argument. It was more me decompressing after a nasty week and Luke taking the unfortunate brunt of it. I knew it had to come out sometime, but I was hoping that he wouldn�t be the one who happened to get hit with it. We were up until 4 in the morning, both of us overwrought and upset, but we managed to sort me out and get me back to where I belonged emotionally. Of course, getting to bed so late led to us sleeping far later than we planned, waking with a start and an �Oh shit!� at noon on Saturday. Within 20 minutes we were dressed, packed up, and out the door. Not bad for a girl with really puffy eyes, not enough sleep, and a minor wardrobe crisis.

We arrived at M&G�s at 1:30 after having stopped at the bank and grabbed the beer. Grandma and Papa were already there, having beat us by about 15 minutes and things were getting set up at a rapid rate. The moon room was drying off, fully inflated and begging to be bounced on, the food was being set out on the table, and people were due to arrive in � an hour. A lot of family showed up, mostly that of G since they couldn�t make it for the party that had been held a month earlier, and C�s friends seemed to come in shifts, some laving only to return shortly afterward. It seemed as though they were afraid of the keg before dark, traipsing around it, picking sodas out of the ice instead.

That wasn�t to last, though, as once dark fell, more kids began to show up and the beer began to freely flow. At one point they all left, presumably to switch cars or something, but the scuttlebutt was that they had gone to another party and left immediately before the police showed up. So, there sat Jim, Andy, Muppet, Luke, and I when a swarm of drunken incoherent teenagers showed up, reeking of alcohol and babbling on about things that don�t now nor have ever mattered.

We took our leave at around 1 in the morning, having had our fill of bouncing and aggravation. The beer did not end up going with us because M said she�d take care of it for us, so from what Jim and Muppet have said (they spent the night), it turned into something out of Caligula after that. With the adults out of the way and more beer than they could possibly drink, the sex began. Jim reported that there were multiple couples in the moon room, some in the tent, the hammock, and horrible noises coming from C�s bedroom. C�s new girlfriend of 2 weeks!? has started to spend the night on a fairly regular basis now, so that explains the sounds. I met her. She seemed a nice enough girl, which is a shame since C is such a fuckwit, but she seemed a little flighty, especially considering that I don�t think she was even drunk and managed to lose her purse and fret about it for an hour. She eventually found it in a place she had already looked several times.

I think the saddest thing about the whole party�s happenings came to light last night while we were out with Andy. He said that he was actually surprised that, in the midst of so many drunken high school girls, he still didn�t manage to get any. Firstly, girls, when they�re drinking, have a target before they get beer goggles and Andy would not be one (ever). Secondly, most of these girls having probably a fair amount of sexual experience, upon getting into a situation with Andy would laugh him out, Andy having 0 experience with girls. Thirdly, Andy doesn�t try, thus taking him out of the running for sex.

For those who are wondering, the salad was a hit. People kept asking M who had made it and when she said it had been me, they would come and compliment me on it. Grandma liked it so much that she called the next day asking for a recipe for it, then emailing me asking how exactly to make it saying, �I want it to taste JUST like yours�. I was pleased, especially after having stressed about it so much. There was a lot of everything left over, so M packed us off with tons of food, some of my salad included, as all of it amounted to way too much for them to manage without it spoiling.

Sunday we went to the zoo and I got bubble tea at Chocolate Coyote. Lucky for us, Rebecca didn�t have any ice, and since she didn�t realize it until the last second, she gave us our beverages for free. The zoo was fun. Luke tried to take a picture of the badger scratching its ass, but it didn�t come out very well. That night, to cheer me up, we went to Blockbuster and picked out Punch-Drunk Love. I say it was to cheer me up because I was, and still am, pretty depressed about the way that things are going. I don�t like sitting around the house all day, wondering when I�ll manage to snare a job, and feeling badly about myself for not having done so yet. I feel particularly badly about Luke�s birthday being on Saturday, and not only does he have to work both the holiday and his birthday, but I don�t have any money with which to buy him a gift. Wile I know that gifts ultimately don�t matter, it�s important to me that he has one. I may just overdraw my personal checking account in order to get him something small. Either that, or I will see if he minds spotting me cash (as I did for Xmas a couple of years ago) just so that I can get him something. What I�d really want to get him would be tickets for the two of us to go and see The White Stripes in Milwaukee on Saturday night, but since he has to work and they�re probably relatively pricey, that�s a no-go. I just feel so badly about this and I don�t know what to do. I�m sure I�ll figure out something, but right now it�s really making me agitated.

I finally finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I loved it despite some minor issues that pertain to me and me alone, I imagine. All in all, it was a fantastic read. I�m now desperate for the next installment and I have no idea as to how long I have to wait. I was completely engrossed, reading whenever I got the chance over the four days it took me to complete it.
