Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 2:18 pm on 06.18.03

I�m fessing up. I�m weak. I have returned home from bringing Luke his lunch of cheese, crackers, Kool-Aid, and chocolate chip cookies (can you tell we have no food in the house?) and I have turned on the air conditioner. It�s been several days of me sitting there bearing it, thinking that if I can just keep the fan blowing out the slider for long enough that I will eventually be comfortable. I give in! Less than 5 minutes after turning it on, I could already feel a difference. It�s good being sinful and weak sometimes.

Last night Andy called close to 7 asking me if I wanted to do something. Apparently, he was at B&N and had already asked Luke. Andy had been at Best Buy purchasing some Troma move, Bladerunner, and a double pack of House and House 2. I told him it would be fine so long as we had a chance to eat first, as I already had food on the stove, so he said he�d bring Luke home and we�d watch House here at the apartment. Bad idea. First off, I had no interest in seeing the closest approximation to cinematic jock itch, having had House 2 forced down my throat last fall when Andy was still living in Whitewater. Secondly, sometimes boys just don�t� understand that most girls don�t have the so-bad-it�s-good reaction to movies very often.

I will cop to loving Child�s Play and Leprechaun because they are cheesy horror staples, but this one took the cake. A house that swallows children? I don�t think so. Your Vietnam buddy who asked you to kill him comes back from the dead to kill you? Nuh uh. It was too much. By the time that I dragged myself away from the computer to sit and watch it, the celluloid dick cheese was more than half over and I was still left throwing my hand up roughly every 15 seconds and saying, �What?!� I think Andy got frustrated with me at one point, asking me why a film has to be profound for me to be ale to enjoy it. I explained that it most certainly doesn�t have to be profound; it just can�t outright suck.

When the movie wrapped up at about 10, I hopped into my bathing suit even before Andy left and Luke and I headed out to the pool while Andy rambled on about how voles are venomous (somebody had to be on crack when the thought that one up) ambling back to his car. Upon arrival at the pool, I got in and swam out to the deep end, Luke walking alongside the pool. Luke happened to notice something moving in the corner of the pool�s enclosure and discovered it to be a female mallard, so loving that Dockers commercial (the one involving the three guys in a truck and the screaming of, �It�s a DUCK!!!�), we keep yelling it. Eventually, Ms. Mallard got used to us being in the area and waddled back into the enclosure, but keeping a very safe distance. I tried to be all clandestine by letting only the top of my head peek out over the edge of the pool, but Luke made it a point to say that he was clearly just sitting there like a lump and sticking out sore-thumblike, thus making my sneakery moot.

Some time later, Ms. Duck having reconciled herself to plopping down on the concrete, I decided my swim time was over and got out of the pool. It was then that a thought struck me: maybe I could chase the duck and see what she did. So, opening the pool gate, I took off after her, towel dangling behind me as I tried to hold it at my waist, saying �duckduckduckduckduckduckduck�, �duckduckduckduckduckduckduckduck�. Eventually, she got fed up with my pursuit of her and decided to make use of her wings. She didn�t fly far, though, as I could see her hanging in the shadows around the volleyball court. Please don�t think me cruel. I love animals and would never hurt Se�orita Ducky. I was just having a bit of fun after being exposed to a horrible movie.

Is it wrong that I am excited about grocery shopping? I even went so far as to organize the coupons we have and set apart the ones we are to use today. I�m definitely going through cereal withdrawal, too. We ran out a couple of days ago and to have no cereal in this house is like having no fingers. I keep going into the pantry at night, wanting something to snack on, looking at the top shelf and seeing the box of Smorz, long abandoned due to extreme inferiority to the cherished cereal of Luke�s childhood, and the box of Frosted Flakes with not enough left in it for a bowl. Frosted Flakes is not my top cereal choice, either. Sure, if I�m desperate for cereal, I�ll eat it, but if I want corn flakes, I�ll buy corn flakes, and if I want frosting, I�ll head for the Frosted Mini Wheats.

I got our bank statement in the mail yesterday (yes, we each have individual accounts as well as a joint checking) only to discover that in the course of 30 days we spent a whopping $63 on beverages at B&N, mostly due to Luke getting thirsty in the between times and buying something. I told him when he got to the car that such practices had to change, giving him the benefit of the doubt, knowing that at the time 87� is a very small sum and he simply wasn�t taking into account just how that can add up over time. He was fine with it, though, saying that when we go to the store, he�ll just get a 24 pack of some soft drink and bring a can with him to work. It�s far more economical to spend $5 for 24 than 87� for one.

I have to bring shorts and a t-shirt for Luke to change into on the way to the grocery store. I don�t want him sweltering and getting grumpy as we�re shopping. Him being grumpy always puts me in a very bad mood.

I had a sex dream this morning involving Luke and I. Only, we were both much younger, about 15, I�d say, and he had 6 siblings. His parents in the dream were very opposed to our being a couple, saying we were too young, so we were left to make out feverishly on his couch while everybody else was outside. I woke up with a wettie. Heh. I�m guessing this was brought about by my wanting him to join me in the pool for naughty time and him refusing to do so, even though we were the only ones around.
