Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:35 pm on 06.14.03

I was completely wrong about Andy�s party. It was a good time after all. Far fewer people showed up than were supposed to and Frank was a no show, so at the end it was just Andy, Muppet, and me. I guess Andy was kind of disappointed that so few people showed up, but I�m sure that a lot of them had valid excuses and it was plenty of fun in the end. I chased Muppet around smearing food in his face and he chased me back trying to grab various bits of my anatomy. That�s the way Muppet and I work. He�s the only one I can actually punch and he doesn�t mind it at all.

When I went to pick up Luke at work, seeing as how I�d only just left Andy�s to get him, he wanted to swing by and see if they were still socializing. Unfortunately, Muppet had left and as we pulled up, Andy�s bedroom light went out. So, we came back home and showered. I wouldn�t have minded it had we spent some time with Andy, but Luke was tired and since he had to work today, I figure it worked out for the best.

Luke has to do his dinner break with his dad today. So I don�t have to bring him something to eat unless D bails without warning, as he is sometimes wont to do. On the one hand, I�m glad that I don�t have to run out, but on the other I don�t� want Luke to gripe about having to spend time with his jerkface of a father. Luke actually mentioned this morning that he hopes his father dies some time in the next week so that he doesn�t have to work on the big Harry Potter release night. I told him that despite all his talk about hating his father, I think he�d be pretty broken up if the man were to up and die, particularly if it were after Luke�s saying this. But, to look on the bright side, we�d be left with an adorable dog and a newer car, not to mention the ability to sell his craphole $30,000 house in Rapids.

Luke heard the funniest exchange at work yesterday. Apparently there was a small group of teenage Japanese girls looking at the Manga in his section while he was working on clearing stuff out and all he could make out in between the Japanese was �Japanese�Japanese�Japanese�bikini. Japanese�Japanese�Japanese�bikini. Japanese�Japanese�Japanese�Ferris Bueller.� Okay, I thought it was funny. So did Luke. So nyah!

I�m getting increasingly anxious about my upcoming interview on Tuesday. I know that I�ll do fine, as I�m very personable, and there�s nothing like interviewing someone who happens to be both friendly and articulate, but I�ve had good interviews previously and not gotten the job. The first job I interviewed for here in Wisconsin was at the state�s largest insurance company, incidentally Luke�s eventual employer, and after my initial interview, on the same day, I got to talk to a manager and get a tour of the floor where I�d be working and never got the job. They interviewed Luke two or three times over the span of a month and he ended up getting something. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a wretched place to work and shortly after September 11, they laid him off because of a pretty sketchy set of circumstances. Had he not worked there, I�d be applying for myself, now two years later, but I know how they work and I�m not all too interested in working for and with assholes. Plus, the union representative there is an unmitigated alcoholic and she never takes care of employee issues as she should.

I had two relatively disturbing dreams last night, both involving old men attacking me. The second one, which was had right before, and was the cause of, my waking up ended with an old man attacking me, my last word being �Fuck� before I think I woke myself and Luke up. I suspect that I actually yelled it in my sleep because when I managed to get my eyes open after the initial shock, Luke was awake and looking at me, having just opened his eyes himself. He told me that he doesn�t know if it was I who woke him up or not. I wish I knew because it wouldn�t be the first time I�ve woken myself up yelling things or crying in my sleep. Oddly enough, Luke had strange dreams too, one of which had a strange coincidence with mine. He said that there was a fire and he was burned, whereas in mine there was a fire at our apartment while I wasn�t there and he was and only his things burned. I was a little creeped out by that. I don�t think we�ve ever had our dreams intersect in such a way, but then, I�m also much more prone to surreal things happening in dreams than he is. Most of his dreams entail things that are pretty every day. He says that sometimes he dreams that he�s woken up already and is quite shocked to actually wake up and realize that it�s not yet happened.

It�s hot and gross again today, but thankfully, it�s not too hot to breathe. Last night was a blessing in that it cooled down enough to be perfectly comfortable for sleeping. Luke and I argue about what we�re going to do once it gets really hot, too hot to sleep without air conditioning, now that we have the cat. I say that we�re going to have to buy an air conditioner for the bedroom and he says that we won�t need it. He understands that my temperature needs in order to be able to even get to sleep are pretty stringent, but often argues with me about it. I can�t help that I can�t sleep when it gets above 70 in the room, nor can I help that he gets cold easily. Only since moving in together have I had such a problem, but that�s because it used to be just me sleeping in a bed, my blankets the only extra heat source. But now, I have a whole other 98.6-degree body to contend with and thus overheat with ease. I know that I will eventually be the one to win in the end, as he knows that he can always just pile on more blankets if he gets cold, while I would have a far more difficult time keeping cool.
