Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 12:05 pm on 05.29.03

Firstly, I have to send a whole lot of love out to B. Fatt. It was his birthday the other day and he gave me a Gold account for his birthday. Yes, it�s only three months worth, but that�s enough to get me on my feet. He�s a good egg, better than most.

It�s amazing how one little thing can change your entire mood. Getting a gift made me feel immensely better and I�m still very excited. Luke was just as ecstatic as I was, I think. He wanted to see all the new features I got and even though he knows I don�t have banner privileges yet, he made the coolest banner ad for me.

Luke couldn�t keep his hands off of me all day yesterday. Form the moment he got home to the moment we went to sleep, he was right there and touching me. It feels good to know that he�s still that interested. We spent a lot of time looking at lingerie online. He said that when I get a job, that�s what he�s buying. I said that I really luck out then. I get underwear and Buffy.

This is us being kissy in March. We�ve both got shorter hair now, but we love just the same.

I think we may be able to make rent on our own this month, and if not, we won�t need to borrow a lot. I was thinking about it last night and I think we can pull it off. There�s no telling what will come up before next Friday, but we may be able to squeak by. We need to go grocery shopping, but we�ve got enough in the house that I can improvise. I did last night and it came out really well. I boned some chicken breasts, cooked them on top of the stove and added some Newman�s salsa and frozen corn for flavor. To thin out the salsa/corn mix I added water, but that was a bad idea, so I dumped in some plain tomato sauce and went about seasoning it with salt, pepper, ground cumin, garlic powder, and some chili powder. When it was nearly time to eat, I put one thin slice of both cheddar and Swiss and covered it so that it would melt. I had some rice cooking and we ate the chicken mess on top of the rice. It was really good and I was very proud of myself. Surprisingly enough, Luke really liked it. I combined a bunch of things that he doesn�t ordinarily like (chicken, Swiss, rice, chunky salsa) and made it into something that he went for seconds of. I know I�m an excellent cook and that I know what goes well together, but I don�t often just make new things without a recipe. I�ve taken to referring to it the same way my gram does, calling it an �experiment�. Her �experiments� aren�t usually improvisations, though, they tend to be recipes she clipped from the newspaper and is trying out on the family. If we give the thumbs down, she�s usually made an old standard and we toss the culinary Frankenstein�s monster (ahem, Frankenstein was the man, not the monster�common misconception).

I woke for close to an hour at about 6 this morning. I had to pee, but I am guessing that it was the low-flying aircraft drone that got me, and kept me, up. I assume they were spraying for gypsy moths, but this is a new concept for me, the spraying. Back east, they don�t spray to keep them at bay; they just let them come. I was afraid I would wake Luke with all my tossing and turning, but he continued sleeping without incident.
