Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 9:19 pm on 05.19.03

We�re at Andy�s again, so I may as well update while the pair of boys are watching a movie or whatever they happen to be doing at the moment.

We spent the day at M&G�s yesterday, doing laundry and playing badminton. I had forgotten how much I liked that particular sport. Maybe it�s that I�m good at it and maybe it�s just that it�s the best game ever invented. I don�t know for sure. We ended up dining there again, but I didn�t mind so much. Then we went home and watched the season finale of ER. Supposedly it was Noah Wyle�s final episode, but I have my doubts. It seemed to me as though it was more likely to be the last of Goran Visnjic than Wyle. I suppose I�ll have to wait until the fall to find out.

Luke has been Mr. Passionate lately, even going so far as to wake me up at 3am for sex. It�s really too bad that I can�t remember it all, being half asleep at the time, because it was really good. Not that it�s often bad, but there are times when it is better than others. He wanted at me again this afternoon while I was trying to get him to go with me to get my hair cut. Who knew that my begging and pleading turned him on so much? The same goes for me sleeping. I never knew I was a sexy sleeper. He said that it wasn�t the sleeping per se, just that he was still awake and wanted me. Hee. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I also asked him what�s gotten into him lately and he said, �What? Don�t you like it?� I do, of course. I was just wondering what brought about the change of late. It�s really too bad that after tomorrow morning I can�t have sex until Thursday. Stupid gynecologist�s appointment. I really don�t see the need for abstinence for 48 hours prior to examination. Makes me grumpy.

I did in fact get my hair cut. I did away with five inches and I am so glad for it. It had gotten to the point where I would only put it into either a ponytail or a bun, so now I can wear it down with barrettes or up in a tiny ponytail. It�s amazing how much lighter your head feels when you take off that much hair. The poor girl who did it kept running into tangles. I had to explain that when its long it tangles up instantly, especially when it�s humid out, but once it�s shorter, it curls up and I don�t even need to brush it. Luke went across the street to the comic shop to talk graphic novels with a coworker who moonlights there.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch for close to and hour and a half this evening. One moment I was watching the 5 o�clock news and the next Luke was waking me up to come see what he had done in Flash. Then I was asleep again and Andy called. We did some grocery shopping with Andy while I left the computer to download some .mp3s from CDs I�ve lost but still have the cases for. I was pleased to be able to find every song from one of them. Unfortunately, the number of Dar Williams songs on KaZaa is scant, so I have little faith in being able to find all of those. If anyone wants to burn me a copy of Mortal City, I will be forever indebted to you.

I�m really hungry at the moment, but not willing to ask Andy for some food. He gave me a chocolate Klondike bar when we got back from shopping, but ice cream isn�t much of an appetite killer. Luke was going to make us burgers from the Naked Chef cookbook tonight, but we came here instead, and having just woken up, I was far from hungry.

I�m not really looking forward to this week. For one, tomorrow is Luke�s shitty day at work, being stuck there until 7:30 and for two, we still don�t know if we�re going to be able to go to the party this weekend. I had no idea it was going to be Memorial Day until sometime yesterday. It just seems so early this year. But then, I have a hard time believing that it�s almost halfway through 2003 and I�m still not home yet.

Oh, if you have time to kill, I recommend heading over to Crumb�s World. It�s positively the cutest thing on earth. You need the latest Flash player, but it�s well worth the time. Go through the entire site. I loved it so much that I took screenshots and am planning on designing a template around it.
