Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:58 pm on 05.17.03

I�ve been spending way too much time computing lately. Last night after I got home from picking Luke up at work, I sat here and worked with Dreamweaver for 2 hours. I should have spent the time showering, cuddling with Luke, and watching the season finale of ER which we had to tape since we ran off to Andy�s Thursday night. It�s not like Luke is on me about spending the time, but I feel as if I should be spending the time we have together instead of screwing around on here. I can�t help but project how I feel when he does the same thing onto him.

I sort of gave him a hard time about never knowing what he wants to eat when I bring him lunch/dinner at work. I bring him food because I want to see him and I know we can�t afford for him to eat there, not because I ant to be personally responsible for his meals. He can at least decide on something to eat for himself. I have a hard enough time deciding on what to feed myself.

I slept really well last night, though not for as long as I necessarily would have liked. We went to sleep sometime around 2 and I woke first at 10, then again at 11 when Luke rolled over, threw an arm around me, and said, �I have to get up. My nose is blocked up and I can�t clear it.� I laid there for another 5 minutes or so and then got up to watch the borrowed Family Guy DVDs Luke brought home last night. I made us breakfast and hung out on the couch.

I wish that we had some sort of plan for the weekend, but having no money means no plan. We�re not even sure we are going to be able to go to the grad/retirement party next weekend, since Luke has to find someone to fill in for him at work and the person he asked hasn�t gotten back to him yet. I don�t know if he really even wants to go, seeing as if he did he would probably be trying a lot harder to find someone to take his shift. I know that neither of us is exactly excited about using an outhouse with 70 other people for an entire day. The party is supposed to be held in Papa�s late brother�s woods, and thought he always had the most advanced of everything, being the only millionaire farmer the family knows, I�m still not entirely confident in the technological advancements being made in outdoor toilets. I was emotionally scarred as a child, having to use the outhouses at Camp Wampanoag as a Brownie Girl Scout. Flush toilets weren�t introduced there until years after I was involved.

I�ve just discovered some new Tori Amos B-sides that are available for play only if you have the CD. Luckily, I do, but unluckily my internet connection is way too slow it to be able to buffer properly. I�m getting them from KaZaa, which will take some 40 minutes or so, but I�m willing to wait it out. I check the new tour dates and she�s not coming terribly near to here again over the summer. It bums me out, as I missed her in March, and I do so long to see her live again.

One of the new B-sides was written while she traveled around the Cape, her journaling telling of the island. Reading about it made me want to cry. I don�t often think about it, but I miss that place so much. My friends tell me that it�s changed so much as to be nearly unrecognizable, but when a place is in your bones and the salt of the ocean flows with your blood, you know it always. Unrecognizable is not a denizen of your vocabulary.
