Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



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Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 11:50 am on 01.29.03

I am little more than a ball of ouch this morning. I guess that while forgetting how good it feels to work out, I also forgot how much it hurts the day after working out for the first time in ages. So, I think I may hold off on it until later today after I�ve taken some Advil and had a chance to relax. I really shouldn�t wuss out now since I was so proud of myself yesterday and I would like to keep feeling proud instead of all failure-like. (Besides, working out made me all limber and stuff during sex, which we had a whopping twice yesterday.)

Luke made me watch the stupid State of the Union last night. So, I spent an hour yelling at the TV screen and counting the number of times he made the confused cat face (162) while he was on the phone with our staunchly Republican friend Muppet arguing about why we shouldn�t go to war.

The thing with Muppet is that we can talk politics with him, but he never actually takes a stand. He�s a strong supporter of everything that�s currently happening in the Bush war machine, but won�t admit it. When abortion comes along, he says he doesn�t agree with it, but when I give him some hard facts he backtracks and says that he doesn�t really support revoking the right to choose. He�s a cowardly debater and I have issues with that, but at least I get a chance at converting him.

I was extremely angry last night when Bush used the smokescreen of partial birth abortion to say that he wants to end the right to choose. First off, partial birth abortion isn�t performed unless the life of the mother is in danger. Secondly, most providers have a cut off at eight weeks gestation; before the fetus even has a chance to start developing further than a bloody cell mass. No, fetuses are not capable of complex thought that early.

Now, if you�re out there in the diaryland community looking to troll, you may as well not even try here. You can�t change my mind and I will simply ignore your guestbook evangelism. I�ve had it with fundamentalist Christian psychos attacking women who reserve the right to choose whether to end a pregnancy or not. We don�t say that we like to do it, but when it becomes necessity, we have the right to undergo the procedure and take advantage of such services.

end rant

I did get some serious laughs while counting the cat faces. Someone couldn�t tell the man to say �Nu-clee-ur� instead of �Nu-cu-lur�? Would it kill them to teach him the word �Peninsula� instead of him saying �Peninshoola�? Christ, it sounds like a town in Florida. Lastly, on the Bushism of the night, there was �Hitlerism�. I nearly died laughing. Yes, it�s a word, but no one uses it. It�s like Bush, in his tirade about Saddam, called the dictator a jackanapes.

How can you respect a man like this in office? I had clients at the �tard farm who were more intelligent that he is. I suppose that this is the reason that after the SotU was over, I kept making Luke�s bellybutton utter Bushisms when he wasn�t paying attention. Eventually he cut off my bellybutton privileges on the grounds that I was abusing them.
