Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 11:54 am on 02.19.03

Last night was a vast improvement on Monday. We didn�t argue, I didn�t cry, and I had a good time. We were idly lounging, each of us reading our separate books (him: What Liberal Media? me: The Boy and the Dog Are Sleeping an advanced reading copy from Random House) when Andy called and asked if we wanted to go out.

The thing about going out with Andy is that we do the same thing every time. The only variation is where we eat. Last night it was Chili�s and then to B&N so that Andy could mill about and check out stuff for which he might like to use Luke�s discount. Luke even told me in confidence that he doesn�t know why Andy shops for music at B&N when even with Luke�s discount Best Buy is cheaper. I had to point out, though, that some of the harder to find stuff can be found at B&N. Best Buy is a bit too interested in the sale for some albums.

We came home immediately following B&N and Andy stuck around to watch the Majority of 24 even though we don�t watch it. I came over to the computer and Luke was soon to follow. We know what we like, I guess. And 24 isn�t one of them. After Andy left we looked at Yesterdayland and reminisced about all of the cartoons we loved and hated from those glory days of greed, the eighties.

We showered (together as usual). You know, there was an Onion article a while back that was essentially titled Showering Nightly with Girlfriend No Longer Sexual and it�s true. Back when we showered separately, whenever we joined forces it turned into a naughtyfest of awkward positions and all those lovely noises emanating from the bathroom, but now that happens very rarely. The last time I can recall was when we had gotten back from seeing Secretary and I pounced on him. What can I say? BD/SM makes me hot. Now, I just call him in when I�ve finished shaving the delicate parts and we go about our individual business.

I left the bathroom towel-clad to go put lotion on my legs and he shortly followed suit, only not to put on lotion. I was watching the news as I applied my precious Lubriderm and after I had finished, he just kind of tossed me onto the bed, landing on top of me. He started getting very affectionate and just hugging and kissing me, but he seemed hard pressed to resist the fact that I was lying flat on my back with my hands over my head and breasts about as prominent as they get.

I�ll leave it at that since it�s obvious what happened next. Suffice to say, it was great. There was everything I had mentioned Monday night and more. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and so did he, so here�s hoping that things are looking up.

He woke me up at four this morning coughing like crazy and I remained awake for quite some time. Eventually, I asked him to go take some cough medicine, and he refused because he really hates the way that the Robitussin Honey Cough tastes, but a bit later when I explained to him that he was keeping me awake as well, he agreed and wouldn�t you know it, the coughing stopped immediately. He was back to quietly snuffling within ten minutes. Yes, I am plugging that particular cough syrup. It may be really cloyingly honey flavored and thick, but it works better than anything else I�ve ever tried. I told him this morning when I dropped him off that he could call me at anytime and I would come pick him up if he was feeling wretched.

Knowing that he�s sick will inevitably make me sick, I think I�m going to go ahead and make some really garlicky chicken soup with rice. It�s the best thing to keep away the yuck since Echinacea has been proven to do fuck-all.
