Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 4:41 pm on 01.31.03

It�s amazing that after only three days of working out I can already feel a difference. I haven�t gotten to it yet today, but I plan to as soon as I�ve finished my daily internetting. I also didn�t do it earlier because I sort of prefer to do it when I�m home alone. For some strange reason, working out is really personal for me. I have no problem walking around the apartment naked, but the minute someone walks in on me when I�m working out, I get all embarrassed.

Obviously, I never fixed the entries so that the �rings� entry is elsewhere. I was going to, but then I decided that it was way too much effort for something so miniscule. It�s really not something I deemed worthy of stressing over.

We ended up getting the car back last night and it�s lovely. I can�t remember the last time my auto ran so smoothly. Of course, it�s leaps and bounds better than G�s car to begin with what with the acceleration and cornering. I didn�t realize how much I missed it until I got it back. I keep trying to make up for having kicked her when I thought she had died for good. I�m crazy, I know.

I was a little down earlier today, but Luke picked up on it and asked me what was up. It was just so simple to say �you know, I wish you�d be a little more initiative sometimes.� He said he�ll try and that�s all I can ask.

M had us buy tickets for The Donnas in secret today. She�s taking G as a V-day gift since he wanted to go but claimed that he didn�t want to spend the money. We could have gone on their dime, but Luke has to work the fourteenth, so that rules out our ability to attend. Fortunately, Luke knows that I would really like to have a special V-day this year, so I think he�s going to do whatever he can to make sure that I have a good one. Our anniversary was kind of disappointing last year, so I�m really hoping to make up for it on V-day. Granted, we won�t have the whole day together, but at least what we will have will be special.

I have some concerns regarding my family. My Grandmama was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and I haven�t been able to reach my parents in several days. I called Tuesday night and left a message, but they didn�t call back and my dad hasn�t been on AIM at all which is highly unusual for him. I think that I may call tonight to see if anything�s up. I�m thinking that they may just have gone on vacation or something since I got email from my gram saying that Grandmama was doing just fine for the time being.
