Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco


@ 10:17 pm on 04.08.04

The honeymoon is over as far as my job goes.

I walked in today and this stupid bitch of whom I�m usually not fond of to begin with, starts ordering me around. She not my superior and in no position of authority whatsoever and she thinks she can just tell me what to do without so much as a please? What the fuck ever.

Secondly, I had arranged to take a couple of hours off this afternoon so that I could spend some time with Luke, and I got the passive aggressive silence from one of the owners, the owner I very much dislike. I dislike her because she herself never does any work at all and yells at everybody else when they happen to sit down for a minute. Amy, the second I see you doing anything worth a shit, you can give me crap, but until then, fuck yourself with a spurred salt dildo.

Third, I don�t get the hours I need, I�m always scheduled on Luke�s day s off, and I�m sorry, but the crap that I have to deal with really isn�t worth the measly $7.50 I make an hour.

These are all reasons why a coworker recently quit. She said it was because she wanted to be a stay-at-home mom and work on fixing their house up for an appraisal, but I spoke with her today and it was for all of the above reasons. Now I know exactly how she felt and how the high school girls feel.
