Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

||Reading too many books to really list||

@ 12:09 pm on 04.01.04

I'm well rested but a little bummed today. One of the coolest people I've met since coming here left, never for me to see him again. He said he left something for Luke in the break room and we think it's some art, which would be an excellent remembrance of Frank. I just wish he could both give it to us and stay.

Apparently, Madison was all over the national news yesterday or something. I am so out of the loop in terms of what's going on both locally and internationally. Working nights will definitely do that to a person. All of what went down happened less than a mile and a half from Andy's place and the Beltline was closed down for a good period of the afternoon. I'm glad that they found the girl, but news needs to be better informed. I was listening to the radio this morning and they had no answers for people. So, people are left to wonder what this girl, who had been attacked just a month earlier, was leaving her apartment willingly with nothing but the clothing on her back. I have never been attacked and still insist on being out with someone.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow a great deal. Not only do I get to sleep in with my bumblebee, I also get to cash my paycheck and shop. I dont' know what I'm in the market for, but I know that I want a few new items of clothing...possibly of the pants variety. Luke needs new shoes already, so we're going to nab the half off coupon his mom offered us last weekend and get him something that won't make him hurt. Like me, he's on his feet all day at work and his arthritis doesn't help things, so he wears through shoes a lot faster than I do. (Despite having bought new sneaks in Feb., I'm still wearing the ones I got my junior year in HS to work.)

Today, I don't have to work until 5, so I'll leave at 4 to get Luke from work and the totter over to work for 4 hours. Maybe we'll do dinner out, but I don't know if that's the best advised idea, having eaten out on Sunday at The Great Dane and paid $40. We'll see.
