Once Upon A Girl

Tough Titties



Take AIM

Love Letters



Been There, Done That


� 2003-05 Design and Content by Disco

Listening to Atmosphere's Seven's Travels||Reading Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books by Francesca Lia Block||

@ 12:55 pm on 03.12.04

Schwakklakk last night was awesome. So much better than any of the others I've been to. Andy was the perfect host and his mom prepared a great spread of food.

My plan to ruin the cunts' live has been set in motion. All I have to do now is gather stuff for a care package for my accomplice and send it off.

I have to work today and tomorrow, but I don't mind it so much. It just means tips and more money than I otherwise would have had.

Luke's officially a part-time employee now. His bitch manager said to him "Guess what, you're now going to be in caf� full time." and he said "Guess what, I'm dropping to part time." We'll manage.

The piece of shit car is also fucking up left and right. We had some transmission issues on Wednesday, but that was because the hose had cracked and was easily solved. We do have to replace the spark plug wires, though, because it's misfiring left and right. I am so tempted to just go to the bank and apply for an auto loan. I need to build up credit and the only way I'd be able to would be to get a bank loan. As it stands, I'm 23 years old and I have no credit to speak of. I've applied for credit cards in the past and they denied me because I have no credit. Those fucks.
